Yeast not taking hold

all about mashing and fermenting grains

Yeast not taking hold

Postby oddian » Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:23 am


I'm using angel red label and an all grain mash, drained and strained and then pitched.

I've got about 4kg of barley for about a 12L wash and I run it at 1h @40C then 2h at 65C and then 1h at 75C

First time I boiled for about 20 mins and got an OG of 1.090. Pitched the yeast at 30C and it was really slow to take off. Then it stopped fermeting at about 1.040, I couldn't get it started again. Distilled it, didn't like it and so I chucked it.

Second batch I didn't boil it th inking maybe I'd done something to the sugards to make them unfermentable. Similar recipe, OG of 1.055 (I didn't boil it so no reduction). I've pitched the yeast at 30C again and it's silent.

In both cases PH is 5.2. I know the red label is fine because I use the same yeast in my rum and it goes off like a rocket within 20 mins.

Any thoughts? Is there something wrong with my all grain process?

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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:57 am
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