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Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:37 pm
by ScoobieSnack
Hi All, I've been reading up on What you guys have to say, and I'm being general here. Everyone seems to have their preferences...fair enough.
I really don't understand the general negativity toward the turbo yeast, is it because it's part of the Still Spirits Turbo500 system? From what I've read, it's a strain of yeast suited to producing opposed to bakers yeast (I have been a baker in my youth, and bakers yeast is great for rising bread etc because it produces a lot of CO2 from sugar.) Turbo 8 produces alcohol very quickly.
My other question has to do with turbo carbon. I have done a few washes without the turbo carbon with no noticeable difference to the quality of my spirit. I'm wondering if anyone has done a spectrographic analysis of the product with and without the turbo carbon?(I think it may be a gimmick) I personally run a wash with 1kg sugar per 5 ltrs of water using turbo 8 yeast in a 25 ltrs wash at around 25 deg C. It's done in less than 48 hours and I yeald about 500ml alcohol per kg of sugar and keep the middle half. The rest I give to my Dad for his alcohol stove which now burns beautifully without soot as opposed to metho. Not wanting to offend or start a shit fight :)

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:54 pm
by The Stig
Turbos were developed initially to produce fuel.
By stressing the yeast it gives of bad flavors
But, not all turbos are equal
Then you e got the costs involved with turbos

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:30 pm
by Doubleuj
For me it’s flavour, I started with Turbos no cuts, then turbos with cuts, then bakers yeast and never looked back.
Yes the turbos are quick but they achieve this at the cost of quality

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:30 pm
by Rolls912
Turbos leave a nasty aftertaste no matter how you run it. You are making neutral it is noticeable.

The TPW is better. Still not perfect but a step in the right direction. I’ve been working on T500 for a year and still yet to produce a flavourless neutral :angry-banghead:

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:37 pm
by RC Al
My little reflux still only manages 80% output, so it lets plenty of flavour through. Only a newbie, but have tried turbo with carbon, then Turbo with cuts n carbon, then tpw with cuts n carbon, tpw with cuts and wbab with cuts. When I have used carbon it definitely made a taste difference
In warm weather I've had a 25l tpw steam through in 3 days
There's multiple types of carbon too, they grab different things out (something to do with the pore size on the surface, above my pay grade)

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:38 pm
by TasSpirits
I've recently started making neutral again, Googes Kale wash, with a few tweaks. 6kg white sugar, 150gm blitzed kale, 5gm ec1118 in a 27L wash. usually collect around 5-6L at 40% when stripping, takes a while, very little flavour in the strip. Finished product will be triple distilled with harsh cuts, no filtering. Good things usually take some time. :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Re: Turbo yeast, turbo carbon etc etc

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:22 am
by warramungas
I personally think its the crap in the packet with the yeast that causes the problem. If it was JUST the yeast and you didn't stress it it would probably be ok.
I boiled a packet of old turbo as a yeast bomb for a rum wash as i didn't have any trub and it came out of the still with a shocking chemical taste. The smell of the yeast bomb boiling was like boiling chemical fertilizer.