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boiler charge

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:53 am
by vossy
Hello Legends,
For those with 50L or bigger boilers, when you do a smaller ferment say 25L and drop it into the boiler do you top up with some water as a matter of safety to ensure the elements stay covered??

Re: boiler charge

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 12:11 pm
by hillzabilly
Ifn I put a 25lt batch in my 18gal(70-80lt) boiler,I allways cover the elements with water by a few inch's then add the 25lt batch.cheers hillzabilly ;-)

Re: boiler charge

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:01 am
by spiltdrink
Safety first
When starting out I was still 'n and had no Internet connection at times. If I came to a situation where I thought "should I................?" Then I'd always (read - most of the time) choose what I thought was the safer option, until I could find out what others were doing/suggested.

At most times in this hobby if you think.....hey this feels a bit shonky, chances are it is and you should change what you are doing.
When I am rushing( when I've promised a mate some shine for his party and found out I have none) or trying to squeeze in a run before the in laws drop around (another classic) that's when I make mistakes,cut corners,get things wrong or think ' it'll be ok'.

Chances are you'll have a drink in your hand while at the still, every one says don't, but really you're not in this forum cause you really enjoy drinking tea.So just go the extra mile to keep it safe.

Definately a bit more than what you asked for, considering your question was already answered, just felt the question had the kind of flavor that lent itself to this kind of response
(I'll get off my soap box now)
Happy still'n