Fermentor setup

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Fermentor setup

Postby B-Man » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:32 am

What sort of fermentor do you guys use and how many do you have?

Through good luck I haven't really had to make many mashes and only have 2 200L drums for doing a few TFFV's

I'm starting to look at making other mashes and doing some generations but can't really do that in my 200L fermentors.

How do you guys do all your different mashes with generations?
I'm looking at doing a cracked corn, crushed wheat, plum, and rum probably want to do 50L mashes maybe 60L for the corn, wheat and plum due to the extra sediment and trub etc left behind. So was thinking I needed 60L but now thinking I need 80L fermentors especially for some head space.

Do you just do one type at a time, run through the generations then start the next one or have 3 or 4 different ones going at the same time?
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Wellsy » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:56 pm

I have the full gambit of fermenters.

3 x 20 litre , 3 x 60 litre, 5 x 220 litre drums most of these I use for grain storage but use 1 as a fermenter.

This year I did generations of BWKO in the big one but usually only do generations in the 60 ltr ones.

The small ones I use for beer
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby B-Man » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:18 am

Yeah I currently have 2x 30L for beer (but using them for an angel yeast corn and angel yeast wheat atm) and 2x 200L
The 200L only get a 200L of TFFV but have done 80L molasses and a 100L corn.

Guess I'll do my rum in the 200L and my plum in the other.

I feel like 60L fermentors seem to be the go and could for more where the 200L's sit. The rum and more active ferments can use the bigger ones. More stuff to buy!!!
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby B-Man » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:57 pm

Update wheat overflowed like crazy in the 30L fermentor.... guessing bad choice.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby RuddyCrazy » Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:43 pm

B-man grab a couple of 60 litre fermeters as you say you have a keg boiler which will do 3 off stripping runs on say a BKO what ever it is :laughing-rolling: since I've moved on to all grain and malting myself I don't do the recipes on this forum anymore I just make my own mate. Doing it yourself does make that special drop if your willing to put the work in. As the saying goes one does the hard yards so one can hurry up wait for that special drop :handgestures-thumbupleft:

My plan this weekend is to finally clean out my 60 litres fermenters and go my trusty recipe for neutral, 12 kg of sugar 1/2 a box of weetbix for each fermenter check PH now as I use rainwater I find nothing is needed but after 4 days I give the ferment a bicarb boost to up the PH as the ferment will crash on PH then after a few days of warmth it will be ready for 3 strip runs over 4 plates which will then get me a 45 litre spirit run which I can run overnight as I am a nightshift pig :laughing-rolling:

Cheers Bryan
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby B-Man » Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:35 pm

RuddyCrazy wrote:B-man grab a couple of 60 litre fermeters as you say you have a keg boiler which will do 3 off stripping runs on say a BKO what ever it is :laughing-rolling: since I've moved on to all grain and malting myself I don't do the recipes on this forum anymore I just make my own mate. Doing it yourself does make that special drop if your willing to put the work in. As the saying goes one does the hard yards so one can hurry up wait for that special drop :handgestures-thumbupleft:

My plan this weekend is to finally clean out my 60 litres fermenters and go my trusty recipe for neutral, 12 kg of sugar 1/2 a box of weetbix for each fermenter check PH now as I use rainwater I find nothing is needed but after 4 days I give the ferment a bicarb boost to up the PH as the ferment will crash on PH then after a few days of warmth it will be ready for 3 strip runs over 4 plates which will then get me a 45 litre spirit run which I can run overnight as I am a nightshift pig :laughing-rolling:

Cheers Bryan

yeah will need to get onto it... been quite busy lately. spent too long sorting out a few other projects!
if the wheat mash and angel yeast works ok I think that will be my new vodka mash... actually works out cheaper than doing a tffv :scared-eek: although probably wont get the same collection rate.

tbh I use rain water and never had to do a ph change but after reading that other post I think it might be on the cards....
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby indenial » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:42 pm

I can share my experience with an 80l fermenter so far, and how it works with having a 50l keg boiler. I got it on marketplace for about $25. It isn't designed as a fermenter and doesn't have a seal on the lid but is fine for me. It fits into my fermenting fridge if need be.

At the moment it has about 65l of allgrain wash (barley malt, wheat, bread and oats) - but I sparged and fermented off grain with kveik yeast in this hot weather we've been getting. It did overflow a smidge in the first 24 hours. I think it was due to the hot weather + kveik. Fermentation fridge busy with a kolsch beer.

I'm still nailing down processes and recipes so not sure if it's ideal. My idea was it could do 70l of wash, and give me 2 x 35l boiler charges for stripping runs. It worked well for 70l of rum wash under temperature control. I don't seem to get crazy vigorous rum fermentations so 10l head room was good. When I did that, I only did 2 generations of rum as that left me with around 40l of low wines for spirit run.

For fermenting on grain, it's probably slightly too big for a single boiler charge, and definitely too small for double boiler charge (I have attempted both)

It might be good for a single boiler charge of wheat + yellow label angel yeast. From what I've read you need a heap of headroom for that. I haven't got my hands on yellow label angel yet.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby B-Man » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:16 pm

indenial wrote:I'm still nailing down processes and recipes so not sure if it's ideal. My idea was it could do 70l of wash, and give me 2 x 35l boiler charges for stripping runs. It worked well for 70l of rum wash under temperature control. I don't seem to get crazy vigorous rum fermentations so 10l head room was good. When I did that, I only did 2 generations of rum as that left me with around 40l of low wines for spirit run.

For fermenting on grain, it's probably slightly too big for a single boiler charge, and definitely too small for double boiler charge (I have attempted both)

It might be good for a single boiler charge of wheat + yellow label angel yeast. From what I've read you need a heap of headroom for that. I haven't got my hands on yellow label angel yet.

Ideally I like to do a mash for at least 2 runs in the still as well so maybe I need 100L fermentors.
Yes the Yellow angel yeast goes off when it gets going! first overflow for me. I was lucky I got given some from another home distiller that was out of date. He said to just pitch twice the amount since its a few years out of date but im thinking it doesn't need it.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:42 pm

As a mini "bump"...

I have 4 questions if i may (newbie alert! please be gentle)

1) I have managed to locate a seller near me that is selling 60l food grade barrels with sealable lids, would that be a wise purchase to start with, or just go with the standard 30l fermenter from a HBS?

2) what size fridges do people generally use? I am in Melbourne and as most people know, the temp/weather fluctuates alot here so i was looking into sourcing a fridge/freezer as control device. I have just recently seen a 200l freezer that a guy is selling and it seems from the supplier, that it would fit a 40cm diameter container relatively easily.

In reference to Ruddy's post:

3) What PH meters do people recommend that is bang for buck and reliable? and

4) if there needs to be a PH adjustment to sex up that yeast, how much bicarb would one use? I guess it would be dependent on how much change in the PH balance is required, but is there a rough guide? E.g. if it needs lowering by 1 PH, would 1.5 tsp do the trick?

Apologies if this has been answered in another thread - there is just so much information here that it seems easy to miss (though i have been looking :D)
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby RuddyCrazy » Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:22 pm

Thrudd early on I bought one of those cheap PH meters and later on I got some PH papers for another project and to my surprise even after calibrating the electronic one in ph 4 and ph7.1 solutions comparing the reading with paper the electronic one was a heap higher. So now I just use ph papers as they are cheap and a pack does last a long time well for me atleast.

Cheers Bryan
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:38 pm

Thanks Bryan,

Great to know what is practical, I presume then that you would add the bicarb as required depending on the PH the differences between each ferment.

Thanks for the response.

To the other readers, I forgot to add to my fermenter choice question, what are people's thoughts on the Kegland 30l Fermzilla, is it worth it to consider this fermenter as an option - i have no interest in making beer, spirits only.

Thanks all

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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Wellsy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:02 am

Hey thrudd I will answer your questions one at a time because I can only remember one thing at a time :). At this time of the day I don’t have to remember where I left my glass.

What size fermenter to use
It really depends on the size of the boiler you are filling once it has fermented. I have a 50 litre boiler so a 60 litre fermenter is perfect by the time you allow for grains in the bottom and head room. if you are using an airstill that is overkill. Not sure if you have made beer but with spirits fermentation does not require everything to be airtight as it does for beer.
The 30 ltr fermzilla would be a waste of funds in my opinion and get better bang for buck elsewhere.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Wellsy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:09 am

What size fridge
This one is really the old how long is a piece of string question. The internals of a fridge are so different some are deep or wide, for our purposes being tall is often the key , especially if you want to put an air lock on top of the fermenter. Also consider how you are going to drain the fermenter and if it needs to be elevated. Everyone has a different setup so best option is to get the fermenter and take it with you..
I am in central vic , so even cooler than Melbourne, I have found a fermenter wrapped in a blanket with a couple of heater belts still stays surprisingly warm. One advantage of larger fermenters is they have larger thermal mass so tend not to fluctuate as much in temp if you can get them insulated. My insulation is an Aldi blanket $15:00 new. So it does not have to be expensive. Oh and sit it on a rubber mat so the cold concrete does not bring the temp down.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Wellsy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:13 am

Plus one to what Bryan said about the papers, at 1cent each and in packs of 100 they last a long time. Just be a bit careful of the bicarbonate as to much can affect the flavour. Chaulk or gypsum ( I think ) can have the same effect without the addition flavour. Most hbs gave these items and they are not expensive. Double check the gypsum mate as I could have the name wrong, I know it is like a fertiliser name just can’t think of it right now.
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:29 pm

Wellsy wrote:Hey thrudd I will answer your questions one at a time because I can only remember one thing at a time :). At this time of the day I don’t have to remember where I left my glass.

:D I will do the same... need to get these ten posts haha!

Wellsy wrote:What size fermenter to use...

Good point. I have purchased an Air Still Pro (great price and a way of entry while i finish this damned house painting & move) so i will get some experience while im setting up the house.

Makes sense, 60l is definitely overkill for that tiny 4l still, my aim however, is to go 35l or even a 50l keg - i just got my hands on a keg recently for this very purpose. I will go a 30l fermenter from whoever is the cheapest.
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equipment: Sadly, none as of yet as I am just starting out into the hobby, but I am looking at the T500, Air Still Pro or Vevor stills. Also looking to make spirits only, esp the big 4 (whiskey/bourbon, rum, vodka & gin) so reflux and pot distilling.

Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:35 pm

Wellsy wrote:What size fridge
This one is really the old how long is a piece of string question. The internals of a fridge are so different some are deep or wide, for our purposes being tall is often the key , especially if you want to put an air lock on top of the fermenter. Also consider how you are going to drain the fermenter and if it needs to be elevated. Everyone has a different setup so best option is to get the fermenter and take it with you..
I am in central vic , so even cooler than Melbourne, I have found a fermenter wrapped in a blanket with a couple of heater belts still stays surprisingly warm. One advantage of larger fermenters is they have larger thermal mass so tend not to fluctuate as much in temp if you can get them insulated. My insulation is an Aldi blanket $15:00 new. So it does not have to be expensive. Oh and sit it on a rubber mat so the cold concrete does not bring the temp down.

Of course that makes sense. I was hoping that someone had a 30l who also had a fridge brand i could research. But thats the best bet isnt it, get the fermenter and go physically put it in... lol but no seriously, a measuring tape would be the best and easiest way.

Interesting about where you live, it definitely gets cold inland so if a heating belt or two with a blanket and mat does the trick, then even more money saved! Thanks...
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equipment: Sadly, none as of yet as I am just starting out into the hobby, but I am looking at the T500, Air Still Pro or Vevor stills. Also looking to make spirits only, esp the big 4 (whiskey/bourbon, rum, vodka & gin) so reflux and pot distilling.

Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:45 pm

Wellsy wrote:Plus one to what Bryan said about the papers, at 1cent each and in packs of 100 they last a long time. Just be a bit careful of the bicarbonate as to much can affect the flavour. Chaulk or gypsum ( I think ) can have the same effect without the addition flavour. Most hbs gave these items and they are not expensive. Double check the gypsum mate as I could have the name wrong, I know it is like a fertiliser name just can’t think of it right now.

Cheers again to you both... i will get a stack once ive got my still selected and set up - along with the cooling decided... so much to learn and think of :))

p.s. WOOT! Ten posts! Now i can message Andrew :D
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby The Stig » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:46 pm

Please phone , I hate typing :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
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Re: Fermentor setup

Postby Thrudd » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:20 am

The Stig wrote:Please phone , I hate typing :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

Will do, once i get my questions in order... dont want to waste your time :D
Last edited by Thrudd on Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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equipment: Sadly, none as of yet as I am just starting out into the hobby, but I am looking at the T500, Air Still Pro or Vevor stills. Also looking to make spirits only, esp the big 4 (whiskey/bourbon, rum, vodka & gin) so reflux and pot distilling.

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