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Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:09 am
by haze
Ive started the hobby on a 3" boka and its great but im realising some of its limitations. Im also realising im gonna have this hobby for few years so i wanna have something that will last and give me best results/flexibility.

I know lots people here go on about the bubblers so i gotta get my head around it all. I know nothing, is there a good page or book to start from.

Not askin for spoon feeding. Just point me in a direction

Perhaps if someone knows a a link to a design or even just principles of it.

Can i build a 6 plate 4" bubbler head in copper for $500 ? or am i wayyyy off. Do i even want 6 plates i have no idea.

Cheers, haze

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:23 am
by crow
All o can suggest is take a look in plated columns and some of the great threads in there but I'm sure you have so take a look in the libary as there is some good reading for you there as well :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:46 am
by Dominator
This thread has some good info on how a bubbler works. viewtopic.php?t=3972
Be sure to read the link in that thread as it has a great explanation on how multiple distillation works.

There is some info on ballpark costs in this thread. viewtopic.php?t=4094

As for number of plates, that is generally personal preference. More plates = higher ABV and less flavor. 4 plates is good for heavy flavor, rums etc. 5 plates for lighter whiskys etc and 6-8 plates for neutrals. Some people now use packed sections filled with volcanic rock to scrub more flavor from the distillate. 6 plates and a 500mm+ packed section should get you a decent neutral.

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:00 am
by bt1
Howdy haze,

its great but im realising some of its limitations

A lot of us have been through this phase bloke. Trouble is once you see it for what it is, you won't be happy and must move on.

Bubbler? yep cos currently its the best solution we have to a variety of needs, conditions, washes and drink prefs. On plates consider 4/5 base plates and made the additional plates and rock filtering section modular, maintaining max flexibility for drink prefs.

Two of the best reads, the complete distiller cos its nice and light, covers most concepts of a variety of stills.

This one, inside a column cos it gets right into the mechanics of a bubbler, won't drown you in maths, there is a bit but worth the time understanding it not just reading know what I mean.
It covers vast territory from entrainment principals, to optimal design. I reckon for a cluey ppl going down the bubbler track it should be required reading.

combine build threads to get a practical insight, final design for building and your done.

$500, yeh around the mark given what you already have. here's just one of many link for a personal build that suits your budget.


Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:13 pm
by haze
Exactly what i need :-D thank you

Stoopid questions will come and then a build thread i hope

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:14 pm
by crow
Good one haze, yep share the journey :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:42 pm
by SBB
haze wrote:Can i build a 6 plate 4" bubbler head in copper for $500 ? or am i wayyyy off. Do i even want 6 plates i have no idea.

I reckon you have bucklies, unless you can access free copper pipe , free needle valves and free reducers and other fittings. Look at around double that using all new materials.

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:08 pm
by crow
Double might be going a bit far. You don't "need" needle valves and gate valves are like $6. Never used second hand copper can be found for much cheaper, maybe even the fittings.

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:09 pm
by dogbreath vodka
Using materials from the scrap yard, doing all the work myself and buying the fittings from Mac.
Mine will come in around the $1K mark.

Still cheap considering

Oh and I've still got to buy the reservoir and pump and fittings and....
You get the idea.

Buy the bits over time and it will be less painful and the Missus mightn't notice :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:


Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:30 pm
by BackyardBrewer
If the budget is going to even nudge $1k then it's really really worth considering buying a FSD bubbler from Mac and just getting to stilling ASAP.

I can't build and get no joy from trying (many of our expert members do, and churn out fabulous work and I love looking at their pix) but once it gets over $1k plus labour it may be worth just going pre-fab stainless deliciousness from Mac?

You could get to fermenting rather than building while you wait for delivery.

By all means build away, but ask yourself why you're building. And if you do build a bubbler - post pix!

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:26 pm
by dogbreath vodka
Hey BB
I respectfully disagree.
Half the fun is the build.
You get an individual still that even you aren't 100% sure what it will look like.
Making stuff is not easy but damn.... when you finish you can say "I did that!!"

I've never built anything like a still before and have had a ball.
You learn masses about still design and how things have to be to work.
It's putting your theory into practical.

Anyway - that's my take on it.

Plus the $1K includes stuff I can use on other projects or add-on parts for the bubbler.
In my case I have 800mm of 6" as well :twisted: :twisted:


Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:33 pm
by Yummyrum
:text-+1: DBV

and this is also very useful advise "Buy the bits over time and it will be less painful and the Missus mightn't notice :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: "

A Mapp gas torch and solder and other tools and drill bits ,add another few hundred.

For some ,its all about the distilling,for me ,I love the making and the thinking about the making.

I probably don't need a bubbler but I need the challenge on all levels ,hell ,it might even make some good liqueur :handgestures-thumbupleft: too

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:53 pm
by Hill
Sorry guys I'm with back yard, for all the effort you will go through just get a FSD, look at it this way 1 bottle per month is $480 of cheap shit, and that's if your not to much of a piss head so the thing pays for its self I'm 1 to 2 years. My therory is if you older a FSD it will be at your door in 4 to 6 weeks u can get a wags down in 3 to 4 and run straight away and you have the best service in town so you can run it right sooner.

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:25 pm
by MacStill
However one goes about getting there was not the question, even if the answer to that question is yes... I'm telling you, you do need a bubbler in your life.....

Nothing else matters :laughing-rolling:

Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:25 pm
by BackyardBrewer
Yep, it's horses for courses here. Just wanted to put my opinion forth.

I love watching builds and admire those that can, but for me the fun comes from washes, runs, flavours, aging, ingredients, storing...not building.

If there are others that would rather build then I will cheer them on and watch with enjoyment...but building ain't the only way to go is all I'm saying.

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:34 pm
by dogbreath vodka
Yep horses for courses.
The great part of this hobby is there are so many areas to learn that it takes a damn long time to get through it all

Making is fun
Fermenting is fun
distilling is fun
Aging is ....
drinking is ....well you get the idea.

:teasing-tease: :teasing-tease: :D


Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:39 pm
by Hill
I'm with Mac you need it!!! Right now if mrs gave me a choice I would choose the bubbler. :laughing-rolling:

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:45 pm
by MacStill
If you dont like tools & building things yourself I've done all the hard work for you, some people just simply want the best they can afford without all the stuffing around of trying to source & build in the couple of hours a week they get free in this busy life.

So in this regard you can buy the best gear available and hop to it, from someone who's been playing with these stills from their inception at a hobby level.

Sourcing the gear and building your own is fun too, if you have the time and/or are short of funds, either way gets you there.... choose your path and follow it :handgestures-thumbupleft:

The most important thing of all to remember is, and you should be asking yourself is.....

"am i capable of building it properly, or do i get one i know is"

1k is a lot of money to spend on a stuff up, or just another project that gets too hard... ah it's ok I'll just PM mac :laughing-rolling:

Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:50 pm
by dogbreath vodka
Not to hijack the thread but...
I planted some Wormwood a month ago...
Expecting to harvest some time next year.
Just to make absinthe..
See you even get to add gardening to the distilling as part of the hobby.
:D :D :D


Re: Bubbler... tell me i need it in my life

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:52 pm
by db1979
Yummyrum wrote: but I need the challenge on all levels ,hell ,it might even make some good liqueur :handgestures-thumbupleft: too

:text-+1: Did someone say challenge? Shit, I'm the type of guy that has to try and carry twenty things at once when ten is realistic, but just to see if I can. I built a bubbler partly because I wanted to see if I could... And other than making awesome tasting booze I had an amazing experience trying to problem solve all the build issues as they arose. But that's just me.

Haze, good luck which ever way you go! :handgestures-thumbupleft: