Honey Recipes

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Honey Recipes

Postby Carol » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:40 pm

I was given some delicious raw honey by a friend who has a couple of hives. These are the recipes I made. I used ordinary home brand rolled oats but the Oat and Honey vodka would be particularly good with some fancier oats.


Krupnik (Spiced Honey Vodka)

Recipes on the net suggest heating a honey syrup with spices and then adding the alcohol later. The version I tried from the net was too sweet and the flavours of the spices were quite weak.

This is my version of Krupnik. The spices are macerated in neutral first and then strained before a weak honey syrup is added ( 2 large dessertspoons of honey and 125 ml filtered water heated gently until the honey is dissolved).

1 litre 40% neutral

10 black peppercorns
½ whole nutmeg (smashed)
¼ teaspoon cardamon seeds
10 coriander seeds
6 cloves
2 star anise
4 cardamon pods
1 cm dried lavender head
small cassia stick ( did not have cinnamon sticks)

Macerate for 3 days.
Remove cassia and lavender.

Macerate 2 weeks.
Strain botanicals.
Add honey syrup.

Oat and Honey Vodka

700ml neutral at 40%
2 cups rolled oats

Infuse for 5 days.
Strain oats.
Add honey syrup ( 1 cup water warmed with 4 large dessertspoons of honey until dissolved).

For a Quaker Shaker mix Oat and Honey Vodka with milk and stir with a cinnamon stick.
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Re: Honey Recipes

Postby BigRig » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:33 pm

Hi carol, have you managed to get more honey and try these again ? From what you remember was there anything you would've changed ?

I have now come in to some honey and was looking for something to try, these both sound good.

I have some wbab almost ready, thinking i run it through the bubbler to get a little of the wheat flavour to come over too.
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Re: Honey Recipes

Postby Carol » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:47 pm

Hi Big Rig
They were both really nice.
I managed to get a little bit more honey and did another krupnik. This time I added a 1/2 bottle of botrytis semillon that was lurking in the cellar. That is delicious.

I also added some honey to a puddin" gin and that is really nice too.

Honey can be very sweet so I made quite a weak honey syrup and found that added enough honey flavour without being too sickly.

Posts: 418
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:29 pm
Location: South Australia
equipment: Still Spirits Air Still
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