Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

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Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

Postby Bob9863 » Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:32 pm

And for me that's saying a lot.

Ingredients list.
One packet of full cream powder milk
1/2 cup of vinegar
5 Lactose tablets
1 bottle of Bushells coffee and chicory syrup
500ml of Turkish coffee (fresh)
250gm dextrose
4lt water
1 packet of wine yeast.

Like many of my experimental runs this is either going to be amazing or God awful undrinkable.

Anyway put the water in a big pot, blend in the powder milk, a packet should make 7lt but I wanted it as creamy as possible. Bru g it to the boil stirring the whole time to avoid scorching.
Once it's ready to boil stir in the vinegar, I usually use 1/4 cup but because of the extra milk solids I had to double that.
It should separate into curds and way, then strain into a fermenter, add the crushed up Lactose tablets and the dextrose. I add that just to give a little extra yield as the way on its own has a, fairly low sugar content.
Then stir in the coffee syrup and the coffee.
Let it cool, add the yeast and hope for the best.

If this works then next time I will leave out the extra coffee and use the far better Bickfords coffee syrup.
But I had this sitting around so I might as well use it up.





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Re: Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

Postby Bob9863 » Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:26 pm

I ran it the other day and gave it a few days to settle.

I'm pleased to report it worked brilliantly, it's smooth and buttery like a milk run should be, not quite as good as with the far more expensive non homogenised milk but not far behind and the yeld was quite heigh.
The coffee flavours carried over very well so I think I might adjust for a big 60lt run.

The plan is to use the following.

55lt water
8 packets of full cream instant milk.
55 lactase tablets.
10 bottles of Bickfords ice coffee syrup.
250gm Greek coffee.
5kg sugar.

That should in theory make about 6lt at 40% abv, which should be plenty for Christmas parties. It will be a fairly expensive wash to make but I think the end result will be well worth the investment.
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Re: Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

Postby bluc » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:08 pm

Very interesting milk is pretty cheap to buy
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Re: Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

Postby bluc » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:10 pm

You thought of using instant coffee or doing your own cold brew concentrate may bring down the cost.. :think:
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Re: Weirdest recipe I've ever made.

Postby Bob9863 » Thu Jun 23, 2022 9:31 pm

Instant coffee goes bitter and ruins the taste, I've tried that before, Greek coffee in the pot while running works much better from my experiments.
The ice coffee syrup doesn't go bitter either so I figured it might give it that little bit more.

Cheap milk is to watery to make good spirits from, you need lots of fat so a reinforced mix of powdered milk is really creamy, not as good. Non homogenised milk but that stuff is around $4 a litre.
This worked better then I was expecting so it's, a good base to move forward from. But I might add a couple extra packets of powder milk to thicken it out some.
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Location: Albury NSW
equipment: 118lt keg still with 50lt thumper, gin cadfy/mini thumper and shotgun condenser
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