Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby peterhobit » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:42 pm

I used home brand tomato paste (3 x 55 liter ferments) and it has a fair bit of fiber in it. Does that settle to the bottom after its finished fermenting? Because at the moment it is just floating on top.
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby peterhobit » Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:12 pm

Bump, just wondering if ppl scoop off the tomato pulp or does it settle after fermentation stops? I used jars of wool##ths tomato paste for my washes and there is a lot of floaty stuff still on top of the wash.
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Scales82 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:28 pm

I used no-brand white cans from woolies too. Didnt have any fibre on my wash.... if it does its settled.
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Woodsy71 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:29 pm

peterhobit wrote:Bump, just wondering if ppl scoop off the tomato pulp or does it settle after fermentation stops? I used jars of wool##ths tomato paste for my washes and there is a lot of floaty stuff still on top of the wash.


Ive not had that issue before :think: I too use Woolies HB paste. Did you beat the sh#t out of the wash when you added the paste?

I use a drill mixer to puree the wash. Yet to have a floatie.

If you followed the recipe you should be right mate :handgestures-thumbupleft:

TPW is hard to fark up.
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Heef71 » Sun May 11, 2014 7:11 pm

vqstatesman wrote:I always find my TPW has a very liquorice undertone flavour. I' using a t500. Is this normal?

Just ran my first tpw thru my T500 (with a copper outlet pipe fitted). Did 2 batches ( 2 25L fermenters) On each batch I took cuts every 200ml, got 10 jars on the first batch and 12 on the second batch (because i have more in the boiler than the first batch), let em sit for just over 24hrs. My nose isn't as trained to pick too may differences yet, so kept the middle 2 jars and recycled the rest. Watered the 4 middle jars down the drinking level. Now have 1.6l of supposedly cracking good gear.
But as qvstatesman mentioned way back a few years ago I have found mine has a little licorice undertone to it too!!
Hopefuly you fellas can hep me learn a thing or too.
Some noob questions I have are:
Does it need to sit for a while before drinking? Like you would with a rum for example.
I mixed tap water with my jars, can this add some unwanted flavours?? Should i distill some water to mix with it?
Is there a more accurate way to split heads, hearts and tails? Probably need to get meself a parrot huh??
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby SBB » Sun May 11, 2014 7:22 pm

Heef71 wrote: I have found mine has a little licorice undertone to it too!!

Ive never had the licorice thing with neutral from a T500, but then maybe my taste buds are buggered.
Heef71 wrote:Does it need to sit for a while before drinking?

Airing for longer might help, storing in a bottle with the lid on probably wont.
Heef71 wrote:Should i distill some water to mix with it?

Buying it is a lot cheaper and easier.
Heef71 wrote:Is there a more accurate way to split heads, hearts and tails? Probably need to get meself a parrot huh??

Nope your nose and taste bud are the best equipment your going to get. A parrot added into the scheme of things will only smear the cuts more.

Try watering your cuts down at least 50/50 with water before smelling tasting, Some people say even more is better. that is if you haven't already.
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Heef71 » Sun May 11, 2014 7:37 pm

Thanks SBB,

Ok sounds like im not doing too much wrong, just need to get my head around and get to know the different fractions. I've been over Kiwistiller's Novice Guide to Cuts and Fractions a few times. Im sure the more i do the better ill get at it.

I'm running a recycling run right now using the dunder from both batches and the heads and tails watered back down to around 30%. Bottom temp gauge sitting on 78c. Should get more cuts out this one so we'll see if ive learnt anything.

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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Andy » Sun May 11, 2014 7:44 pm

congrats on your first TPW!

watering down will help greatly when learning cuts. as SBB said a parrot wont help too much, you could measure ABV of the Jars to give you some more guidance.

next time you rerun heads and tails (feints) I wouldn't use the dunder. Just use water to get to <40%
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Heef71 » Sun May 11, 2014 7:58 pm

We'll do. Thanks Andy. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby SBB » Sun May 11, 2014 8:16 pm

NO ,NO dont use the Dunder, have you smelled that stuff.....FFS :puke-huge:
You are supposed to be trying to make a tasteless product, why put something that smells like that in your boiler?? :scared-eek:
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby Heef71 » Sun May 11, 2014 9:02 pm

Sorry, geez im i dickhead, i need to go back and read the newbys glossary again.

i was refering to the coupe of litres of left over wash sitting ontop of the yeast cakes i managed to rack off. My mistook.

No "dunder" was used. I agree SBB, that shit is rank!!
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Re: Tomato paste wash

Postby SBB » Sun May 11, 2014 9:26 pm

Heef71 wrote:i was refering to the coupe of litres of left over wash sitting ontop of the yeast cakes i managed to rack off.

No problem Mate we all have to start somewhere. Its a bit of a problem for us blokes trying to give advise if you don't use the right names for things, A lot of the terminologies we use go back a long long way in the Distilling history, Many hundreds of years in most cases. It makes it a lot easier for all concerned if we all speak the same lingo. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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3 inch Boka (half share with Draino),...... 4 inch 4 plate perforated plate Bubbler

Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby Wino » Fri May 30, 2014 9:55 am

Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone had fermented TPW, then racked off to a carboys ,maybe adding so2
to hołd for any period of time? I have some surgery coming up sooner than expected. So might have to hołd a batch for a while , untill i have time to run it. Thanks for your comments
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby Zak Griffin » Fri May 30, 2014 10:06 am

Just rack it off and keep it sealed... The longer you leave it, the clearer it will get, and you'll get a better neutral out of a clearer wash :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby agro » Sat May 31, 2014 7:04 pm

this may have been asked before (sorry if it has) how long can i leave a tpw before distilling? its already been sitting 2 weeks and may be a few weeks before i get a chance but the misses can do it but she does a straight run no cuts except the first 100ml of window cleaner? :?
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby Zak Griffin » Sat May 31, 2014 7:08 pm

If it's in a sealed container, it will last months... And it'll only get better with age :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby Urrazeb » Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:43 am

[quote="agro"]this may have been asked before (sorry if it has) how long can i leave a tpw before distilling? its already been sitting 2 weeks and may be a few weeks before i get a chance but the misses can do it but she does a straight run no cuts except the first 100ml of window cleaner? :?[/quote]

I've had them sit for ages mate. Keep water in the airlock and you'll be right
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby wynnum1 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:14 am

agro wrote:this may have been asked before (sorry if it has) how long can i leave a tpw before distilling? its already been sitting 2 weeks and may be a few weeks before i get a chance but the misses can do it but she does a straight run no cuts except the first 100ml of window cleaner? :?

Get the misses to run it and do some rough cuts into 750 ml bottles and rerun in next batch whats no good.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW)

Postby Marbled » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:20 pm

Just finished another TPW , from 25l I got about 500ml of stinky stuff, and just shy of 3l that's as pure as nose whatsoever at 92%
I'm a happy chappie. :music-deathmetal:
All jars sitting and getting cleaner. It makes for a nice bourbon, and vodka as I've been told.

Sorry about the technical terms by the way. :-B

Now I need to investigate molasses for a rum.

Once again, thanks to you folks for making it easy. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Discussion

Postby Boc1971 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:43 am

Greetngs guys - want to try this wash out today - thought had some citric acid in the cupboard ( powder form ) but I don't --- im 2.5 hours round trip to town so don't want to have to go all that way for 1 small container - so is there an alternative I can use in its place ? I have lemon trees can they be used and if so -- how much ?? thanks
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