Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby Professor Green » Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:42 am

I think you're better off using one of the flavoured washes like WBAB, BWKO or CFW etc rather than neutral if you're going to oak it.
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby stillts » Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:59 pm

Professor Green wrote:I think you're better off using one of the flavoured washes like WBAB, BWKO or CFW etc rather than neutral if you're going to oak it.

Thanks Professor!
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby stillts » Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:32 pm

one thing I have found that is really handy for hydrating the yeast, or to use a pair of chopsticks. I was using a fork, but it is a lot less hassle to use chopsticks. Mixes the yeast easily.
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby Bustah » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:22 pm

Hey all! Put down my very first wash last night, going to end up using it as a sac run so not too worried but i think I've screwed it up :D Seems to be a similar issue to Bundaboy years ago. Figured i'd consult the brain trust!

got my 4kg sugar in, 250g of woolworths brand bran blended up and simmered for 30 minutes, multi vit, pinch of epsom salts, half teaspoon of citric bringing the PH down to 5. ended up at 26L after screwing around with temps (without the yeast) which i finally got to 30 degrees. Starting gravity was 1.060

Now the part i think i screwed up, i did the 50 grams yeast into 100ml of 30 degree water, it sludged up real quick and turned into a ball, i panicked, added more water, kept stirring it, adding more water until it got to a more even consistency, but i think i brought the temp way down in the process. Dumped that into the ferment, cleaned up and said a little prayer.

1 1/2 hours later, a few bubbles, mostly just fizzing.

3 hours later, same thing, just fizzing, no cap like what i was expecting. temp still at 30

At this stage my dog started going crazy, he was acting like someone was in the bathroom and he was scared to go in, growling and barking... Anyone had this happen? Thought it was kinda funny, but then he spent the night whining at the door, he seems to have calmed down today :laughing-rolling:

This morning i checked on it, no bubbles, just fizzing away, smells like cider so i guess it's doing something! it was at 28 degrees so i turned on the heating pad. sitting at 1.05.

Just checked it at 2pm, still fizzing and cider-like. Up to 29 degrees and 1.045ish (can't really tell on the hydrometer, spinning it looked like it landed somewhere between 1.04 and 1.05)

Does this seem like it's heading in the right direction? One of the earlier posts mentioned they were down to 1.02 within 24 hours. As this is going to a sac run, what's the highest gravity i can call it a day, do i need to rack and clear or can i just throw it in? It's a digiboil 35L with 2" FSD pot and boka
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby howard » Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:05 pm

sounds like you did everything right.
i usually use about 300ml of 30°c water and have 2 x spoons ready.
one for stirring and one for scraping the glug off the 1st spoon.
bakers usually takes about 15-20 mins for me before it starts to get creamy and starting to climb out of the vessel.
i usually cover the vessel with some aluminum foil during this process. (beer brewing habit)

i have lost count of the FFVs that i've done and not one has ever foamed up crazy with a big cap.
they just seem to fizz along and never had one stall either.

only thing i test & correct is my PH.
i don't need to test OG anymore, it's sugar.
don't usually test the FG anymore either, but they should get to 990 eventually.
i've got 2 x 25L FFVs in the fermenting fridge dating from 14/9, don't panic.

one thought, you don't mention giving the wash a good wizz with a paint stirrer before adding the yeast.
i believe this gives the yeast a good start in life before they turn their attention to the sugar.
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby Bustah » Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:46 pm

Ah yeah i didn't have a paint mixer or handmixer, gave it a good vigorous stirring with the spoon for about 5 minutes, was kinda hoping it would be enough.. lol.. is it something that needs to be done with more force then just a big spoon? :oops:
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby bluc » Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:43 pm

benpandaae86 wrote:What does this wash end up as abv wise

Will it make as much end product as a tpw out of 4 kg sugar

The 4kg fermentables is what dictates volume of alcohol. Doesnt matter recipe if you have 4kg fermentables and your ferment is healthy you will get same volume..... :romance-kisscheek:
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby howard » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:06 pm

Bustah wrote:Ah yeah i didn't have a paint mixer or handmixer, gave it a good vigorous stirring with the spoon for about 5 minutes, was kinda hoping it would be enough.. lol.. is it something that needs to be done with more force then just a big spoon? :oops:

most folk seem to use a big paint stirrer with a drill.
i do that for a couple of mins to get oxygen into the wash, it creates quite a whirlpool with a bubbly cap.
there are some posh words for the different stages of fermentation if you want to google them, like aerobic and anaerobic. 8-}
NB don't try this in the kitchen :sad:
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Re: Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

Postby Bustah » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:00 pm

Figured I’d post an update! Been keeping the temp between 27 and 30 (heat pad on and off) end of day 4, down to 1.002! So clooooose, wish this wasn’t just a sac run :angry-banghead:
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