Hi from Perth and quick Q on PH Testing

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Hi from Perth and quick Q on PH Testing

Postby Beermerc » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:52 pm

Hi all,
I have been reading through this site a bit and thanks for the great tips and recipes thus far. Have a NGW sitting nearly ready to go, cannot wait to run this through my pot still (got a thumper as well). Actually have a question. I ended up adding juice of 2 small lemons and teaspoon of epsom salts. I know this isnt part of the recipe but thought it would give the wash a good chance to hit some high ABV, still not sure if this was a good idea or not. Im going to do generations, and so testing PH should be best practice? I realize that I do not have a PH tester (not any that go lower than 5 anyway)
Question is, can I reasonably go ahead with 2nd gen without testing or is testing for PH a must? Can I use a PH tester that you buy at Bunnings?
My SG gravity reading was 1.090 and on day 11 it is 1.030 (~7.9%) The cereal is starting to sink to the bottom and temp sits around 24c I am giving it a good shake every few days to get more action from it, the surface of the wash is still bubbling away (dont have the bubbler tube, have cling film over it with pin holes in it)
Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:16 pm
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Re: Hi from Perth and quick Q on PH Testing

Postby Chriss » Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:58 pm


Indeed we learned pH testing is important, from the water composition, to making the wash and testing ingredients, during fermentation to the final result. It is fairly interesting to test every liquid in the house once you get one, mmm pumpkin soup from the yard mmmm pH 4.5, similar to coffee beans and brewing pH 4.5 - 4.8.
Visit the 5 Star Store, they sell a electronic pH tester. It reads from 0 - 14. https://www.5stardistilling.com.au/shop/
If you mean the pool section at wesfarmers then I don't see why not, long as it can the same job as the five star job. But take a look at the choices man.

Shouldn't be any reason not to use the backset for generations. As long as you deem the results where good and nothing has tainted it. However knowing the pH will inform you to make future ingredient choices. Or just go for it and it worked for us with WBW's and TPW's before knowing the pH.

If you can, post your NGW results in the nutrigrain wash discussion thread as we haven't made one yet and would be interested to see how you go.
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Re: Hi from Perth and quick Q on PH Testing

Postby Beermerc » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:39 pm

Hi Chris,

Thanks for that reply, thats great, will look around 5 Star, sounds like a PH tester is a worthwhile thing to have.

For sure, will post my results on the NGW and let you know how it panned out. Im thinking of leaving the wash for another 3 or 4 days for it to settle and hopefully bring the FG down
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:16 pm
equipment: pot with thumper

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