Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Perforated & bubble cap plated columns

Re: Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Postby halfbaked » Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:28 am

Good post Mac!!!! What caps are you running? Pro caps , your single cap or traditional caps with 1 DC? What changes would u make in the pro caps?
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Re: Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Postby The Stig » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:59 am

Mac hasn’t been here in years . Pro caps weren’t a thing when this was written , neither were power controllers
The Stig
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Re: Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Postby Wellsy » Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:16 am

So the good old days were maybe not so good after all

Could not survive without my power controller
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Re: Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Postby The Stig » Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:41 pm

Controllers have made a huge difference
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Re: Running a Plated Column. the easy way

Postby RuddyCrazy » Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:51 pm

Well decided to run my still today of all days and man what a day :handgestures-thumbupleft: yesterday was spent trying to get this thick mush of barely and rye into the fermenter. :angry-banghead: No way would the siphon work so trialed out that $20 Temu pump and it worked a treat although very slowly :scared-eek:

So decided with only just over 30 litres in the boiler decided to chuck in a couple of my low wines neutral @90% only been distilled 3 times so hearts by hearts :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Anyway the way the still run today was like it was it's own beast where with 99% of runs the first plate stays quiet where today it was going off it's tit's :laughing-rolling:

I worked out as the wash was 8% by putting 4 litres of 90% in I could expect around 8 litres, now at the 6.5 litre mark looked up and bubbles were forming on the lower plate so backed of the heat to 2 psi and it corrected while the top 2 plates were going full bore. Got another litre out and bubbles again and it did get up to the second plate so backed off the psi and got it corrected. The ABV was still on 92% but it was a sign the end is coming. :think: anyway I started taking 50ml cuts and it didn't take long to start to smell rank and the ABV test was 85% now with foaming starting again that was the end of the run.

So by keeping aware of the still operation I saw the foaming start and corrected it straight away, now if I was away from the still a puke was on the cards :angry-banghead: so no matter how much you feel the still is going well NEVER walk away as it can and will happen where something changes where good can go to bad very quickly.

Cheers Bryan
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equipment: 4" copper bubbler with a setup for Neutral and a thumper for Whisky and my old 5 litre pot for doing maceration runs and MiniMe the baby pot still


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