Running an Alcoengine faster as a stripping run

Reflux still design and discussion

Running an Alcoengine faster as a stripping run

Postby JustChilln » Mon May 08, 2023 4:30 pm

I hope this is the right forum for my query
I am a noobie trying to get some knowledge of possible variations that may improve my distilling
I am running a Digiboil 35l boiler with the Alcoengine reflux column packed with stainless scrubbies and a 250mm extension packed with copper mesh
I've run a couple of spirit runs with this setup using the 0.6mm restrictor, and achieving 94-95% abv which I am very happy with except it takes such a looong time!!
What I would like to achieve is to do start some stripping runs to achieve more purity and smoothness without carbon filtering.
My first runs were turbo (yes I know!!!) Next ones will be TPW
i thought perhaps I could remove the extension,and remove the packing in the main column, then use the 1.0mm restrictor ro increase the flow and decrease the time taken to distill
I would then dilute to around 35% and re- distill later when I have enough to run the still at the 0.6mm restrictor.
Any opinions or experience feedback would be appreciated
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equipment: Digiboil boileralcoengine copper reflux still with 250mm extension packed with copper mesh

Re: Running an Alcoengine faster as a stripping run

Postby rodknee » Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:47 pm

Hey 'chillin,

Im running a 65 liter digiboil .6mm on the reflux with about 50 liters of wash. For me a final run takes about 6-8 depending on the ambient temperature with about 6-7 liters @ 93%.

For me this seems reasonable. Did have trouble initially as I messed around with water flow, temperature etc. Worked it out by just leaving it all alone and let it do its thing. Basically set the unit to boil up to 95 C and started water flow when temperature reaches 50 C. Discarded everything that comes out before 79C then it holds there for the next 5 hours, after that I cut it off at 83C. I know that I can get more out of it but happy with what I get and its clean and pure.

TLDR - run takes about 6-8 hours depending on the outside temp
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equipment: Alcoengine Digiboil reflux still

Re: Running an Alcoengine faster as a stripping run

Postby RC Al » Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:21 am

Soo... Ive never laid eyes on one of these columns in person, but the easiest way i see to use those to strip with is to ditch the restrictor and use a power controller... (Not on a t500, plastic.. ughh...)

Have a search and a read on how a both a boka (what you have) and a pot still works, and yes ditch the packing and extension to strip.

Basically you have to ballance cooling vs venting vapour out the hole in the top vs keeping the slant plate loaded to run without the restriction via power and water control...
Dont blow anything up....

If this sounds sketchy and unsafe (which it very much is), build or buy a a dedicated pot still head to strip with.

A power controller isn't the worst upgrade to do, no matter how you move forward.

At the end of the day, cuts are where the quality is, check it out in the newbies section
Last edited by RC Al on Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Running an Alcoengine faster as a stripping run

Postby The Stig » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:58 am

Running an Alcoengine as a pot still will always be a compromise.
You can’t run it flat out because there is no product condenser .
The best solution would be to to add a pot still to the equation and strip using that instead .
The Stig
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