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Inconsistent flow

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:12 am
by Wellsy
OK Guys got one for the brains trust. The flow rate when I run the still is inconsistent and i cant work out way. I have not looked at anything lol, just thought about the possible causes. I am doing a stripping run so the flow rate is quick. The flow from the spout is doing a great impersonation of someone with prostate problems. Its not a major issue but it has been annoying me for a while and these stripping runs have really highlighted it. the cooling water is from a submersible pump and the hoses feel like the flow rate of cooling water is fairly steady. I do have the parrot on not sure if that is what is making the difference or not.

Re: Inconsistent flow

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:05 am
by The Stig
Try pulling the parrot off , if the flow is too much for the parrot to handle it will cause this surging .
You could also check the parrots breather , it could be blocked .
Are you running plates while stripping ?

Re: Inconsistent flow

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:33 am
by Wellsy
Thanks Stig
No plates and no blocked breather. I reckon the flow was too fast for the parrot to handle. I Took a video that I will send you during business hours because everyone deserves a weekend and time off :)