A story of re-ageing

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A story of re-ageing

Postby Kal » Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:51 pm

Back in 2012 I made my first UJSSM whisky, ageing it with some self charcoaled oak chips at the time. The end product was OK, but never great, and I have had 5 bottles of it sitting in my cupboard for the last few years untouched, as I make and drink other spirits.

So I decided to try ageing it a 2nd time, this time with just one oak dominoe. I'm not drinking it so no loss if it scews it up right?

I've had it soaking for a couple of weeks now and my oh my, what a transformation! Completely different flavour profile! It has a much fuller flavour profile now. I'm not sure if it was a case of the oak chips just not being done right back then, perhaps they just aren't anywhere near the quality of these newer dominoes. It could also be that I am now ageing it at bottle strength of 50% ABV. Whatever the case, it is a greatly superior whisky now.

I'm going to rebottle it now and I'm sure these bottles won't still be in my cupboard in 4 more years time :D
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:06 pm
Location: Sydney
equipment: 50L keg boiler
2" bok still
4" plate still

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