So thought it was time I built myself a bubbler. It will eventually have 4 plates for normal brown spirit use and 5+ a packed section for for neutral. I am waiting on bit more 4" copper to do my last two tees. I am using a blockhead design with a one piece combo deflag bloack head. All hard soldering was done with aquasafe 5% sticks soft soldering with aquasafe lead free solder.
I am using a single two inch cap on each plate with 3/4 downcommer. Have made some headway with it here is a few pics.
I started with my deflag. pipes are 100mm 5x 3/4 internals. I hard soldered the pipes in and I plan to soft solder it in place in the 4" pipe.
Marking out the end plates
roughed out and fit assembled
cleaned up ready for hard soldering
to keep things square I slid the assembly into one of my tee sections and brazed it being careful to to solder it to the pipe wall.
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and finally all ready for cleanup
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