"E" cigarettes or Vaping.

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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Aussiedownunder01 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:41 am

Be a man and go cold turkey a lot of us have :teasing-neener:
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby woodduck » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:02 am

No interest in that at all :handgestures-thumbdown: Love smoking and would still do that if it wasn't so expensive so vaping is the next best thing. Plus why give up something I'm so good at :teasing-tease: :laughing-rolling:
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Doubleuj » Fri May 18, 2018 7:45 pm

Ok, I’m sick of smoking. I was basically clean for 8 years then took it back up about a year ago.
Now I’m at 30-40/day of 8mg. Fucking expensive!!!
Thinking one of these is the way to go.
Read the thread and but wondering what the best equipment/ method is today?
I’m assuming that technology would move pretty fast with this sort of thing.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Astro » Fri May 18, 2018 7:59 pm

i've been on the patches and spray for 4 days now, patches itch something fierce and i'm too scared to use the spray as it tastes that bad.
use it only when really necessary.
I still look for my non existent smokes when i make a coffee but i think thats out of habit more then a craving,
was a smoker for 20 years and had to push a car for 50m last week and lungs were on fire, thought stuff this. youngest kid is just over 1. hope i can stick it out
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Doubleuj » Fri May 18, 2018 8:07 pm

Good on ya Astro, keep it up.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby bluc » Fri May 18, 2018 8:20 pm

Very very hard thing to stop after 4 years not smoking other night while drinking i reached out for my cigarettes(which I dont have) then was scratching my head trying work out what was missing. Took me few secs to realise that I was searching for a smoke :laughing-rolling: dads 80th is coming up this year and we were gunna smoke a cigar each. Not sure I am game or wanna risk it... anyone have recomendation for a cigar e juice? Something that actually tastes like a cigar..

Ecigs were my saviour but I think my lungs are cactus regardless..after starting at 10, 30ish years of 40per day 16mg wrecked them...
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby woodduck » Fri May 18, 2018 9:46 pm

Well it's all a personal thing I recon. I use the vapor zeus and love it, been on it for years now. I've tryed the tank and battery type ones but it just doesn't float my boat, doesn't feel natural and also feels like I'm on a crack pipe :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: The zeus is alot more expensive to buy and run than the "crack pipe"(no offence intended to anyone with one, whatever works for you) ones and need to be imported from the US. The batteries are about $80 AU, they should last 12 months or more and the smilomizors (cartomisers/tanks) are about $8 AU each and will last about 4 days for me, should add I'm a VERY heavy vapor at about 6-10ml a day. Compared to about $60 for a battery type plus a coil for about a buck and last a month or so I think (we'll need some to confirm that) I can give you more info via pm if you like.

I've helped a few blokes cross over to the ecigs and found the key is to not make a big deal about it, just buy one and use it when you want, keep smoking and fill in with the ecig and eventually you'll wean yourself off the darts. It doesn't matter if it takes 3 months, every ciggy you don't smoke is helping. If you do the big "that's it no more smokes" your messing with your head and make it worse. I still call myself a smoker, I just replaced smokes for a vape and feel fuck loads better for it so does my hip pocket. Oh and the kids love me for it as well.

I say go for it WJ :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Doubleuj » Fri May 18, 2018 10:02 pm

Cheers mate, going to give it a go :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Salter » Sat May 19, 2018 9:11 am

SX170 wrote:Been thinking about having a go at giving up the smokes. Filthy habit I know but unless you are/were a smoker you have no idea how hard they are to kick.
Anyway I had a courier driver call into work this morning dropping off parcels. He took this thing out of his pocket that looked like a fancy pen and said "here have a drag on this"
So I did. (after being reassured it was safe) Tasted like pinapple, quite pleasant along with the normal "feel" of a drag on a smoke. Even exhaled what I thought was smoke but is apparently water vapour.
He said there is nicotine in it but no tar or chemicals. He is/was a 40 per day smoker and is now down to 1 per day after 2 weeks. He is slowly reducing the nicotine levels until he is just inhaling water & flavorings.
All sorts of flavours available fruit, chocolate, rum & even tobacco flavour if you want.
Thought I might give it a crack.
Anybody on here with personal experience good or bad?


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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby The Stig » Sat May 19, 2018 9:15 am

Any rechargeable battery can do that but its a rare thing
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby woodduck » Sat May 19, 2018 9:19 am

I think you'll find that to be a very rare occurrence and most likely caused by too many mods and way too much power. I recon this bloke should have done some more research before just jumping in and assuming he knew it all. Probably should have read through some safety threads before modding his big ol vape stick?

The worst I've ever had is my vape got stuck on and got hot in my pocket, way to hot to put near my face and wait for an explosion.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Salter » Sat May 19, 2018 9:29 am

I tried patches, didn't work.

I then tried nicotine gum, it really helped give you a hit of nicotine when the cravings come, and also helps with the 'oral fixation' psychologists speak of.

I've been off the coffin nails for 6 years now, and my taste and smell improved within a week.

Good luck whatever your path, each to their own...
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Astro » Sat May 19, 2018 11:12 am

Salter wrote:
I've been off the coffin nails for 6 years now, and my taste and smell improved within a week.

can only be a benefit in this game, mine are shot
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby warramungas » Sat May 19, 2018 8:21 pm

Never been a smoker so don't get an addiction that overrides your ability to not buy cigarettes to smoke in the first place. Grumpiness usually disappears after a few days going by my parents quitting. Don't have 'em then you cant smoke 'em.
I've been a nail biter since I could walk thanks to my day but I wish I could leave them at home or not buy them. I unfortunately put my fingers in my mouth and hoe into them before I even know I'm doing it.
Good luck quitting mate but I think cold turkey and some willpower is probably the best and cheapest way to quit.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby woodduck » Sat May 19, 2018 8:48 pm

To quit something you need to want to. I didn't want to quit really, I loved smoking. I hated killing myself and paying through the nose to do so so I went the cheaper option. I tryed cold Turkey many times and went to seminars and read books but nothing worked because I wanted to smoke. Well that's my take on it anyway.

It is hard to understand warra and unfortunately it's not as easy as just not buying them or leaving them home. When I was a smoker I would have gone miles out of my way to get smokes if I ran out, hell I probably would have sold my left arm for a fag. I wouldn't travel on planes because the thought of not having a ciggy for 3 or more hours gave me anxiety. It's a shit drug that gets you hooked and not even a smoker can give you a good reason for doing it, to outsiders we just look like muppets because it makes no sence why we would do it.

My suggestion is to not take the bloody habbit up to start with.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Plumby » Sat May 19, 2018 9:06 pm

woodduck wrote:To quit something you need to want to. I didn't want to quit really, I loved smoking. I hated killing myself and paying through the nose to do so so I went the cheaper option. I tryed cold Turkey many times and went to seminars and read books but nothing worked because I wanted to smoke. Well that's my take on it anyway.

It is hard to understand warra and unfortunately it's not as easy as just not buying them or leaving them home. When I was a smoker I would have gone miles out of my way to get smokes if I ran out, hell I probably would have sold my left arm for a fag. I wouldn't travel on planes because the thought of not having a ciggy for 3 or more hours gave me anxiety. It's a shit drug that gets you hooked and not even a smoker can give you a good reason for doing it, to outsiders we just look like muppets because it makes no sence why we would do it.

My suggestion is to not take the bloody habbit up to start with.

:text-+1: I use to smoke log cabin tobacco so I had rub it in-between my hands before I rolled it.
I loved the whole process of making a cigarett, rubbing the tobacco then rolling the cigarette it was an event that was enjoyable.
What got me through wad my 2 kids, if it wasn't for them id still be punching darts like a champ.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby Doubleuj » Sat May 19, 2018 10:12 pm

Just ordered myself a vapour zues with 30ml of tobacco flavoured stuff.
Knowing nothing about this, how long should that last? Is it equivalent to a pack or more? Oh and how do you mix your own?
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby The Stig » Sun May 20, 2018 6:58 am

Forget the cig references , vaping is nothing like it.
Get away from the tabbaco flavors as well, you want to enjoy the nice flavors that way a cig will taste terrible.
Don’t try using the device like a cig, just puff till you don’t want one then keep puffing every time you think you want a cig.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby TasSpirits » Sun May 20, 2018 8:38 am

I use RDAs with various Mods, tried ecigs, then tanks, I much prefer the flavour, and dense vapour of a RDA. Making your own juice is fairly straight forward (I started 1 week after taking up vaping) once you figure out what ratio of PG/VG that suits you, just like stilling the variety of flavour you can make is huge. As to exploding batteries, every instance Ive seen has been an incorrectly used Mech Mod, anyone thinking of buying one do some research, they are for advanced users and people who have a very good understanding of battery safety. Good luck on giving up, if any one is interested in making juice PM me and I can give some advice on suppliers etc :handgestures-thumbupleft:

PS, Doubleuj, your 30ml bottle probably has no nicotine in it.
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Re: "E" cigarettes or Vaping.

Postby woodduck » Sun May 20, 2018 11:13 am

You will need,

PG- propylene glycol

VG- Vegetable Glycerin
I get both of these from the vape superstore, cheap but still good. I find cheap and nasty pg and vg give me bad cotton mouth :laughing-rolling:

Nicotine- I get mine from nicvape (good stuff) I get 100mg/ml in a PG base. I bought a litre 4 years ago and I'm still using it.

Flavor concentrate- get whatever you think you'll like. I personally don't like vaping fruit or food but others love it. I vape virgin leaf from Tjuice, it's not fruity but it's not cigarettey either like most tobacco flavors. Sort of has a nutty cherry type flavour but once again it's hard to get now days and needs to be imported from the UK so I'd recommend finding something local.

Water- it's there to water it down a bit. In the recipe app I've put below it will have an option for water/vodka/pga just use water, well unless you want to use vodka :laughing-rolling:

Here is the recipe guide I use, there are heeps of apps etc to choose from. So find something that suits you.
I have attached a couple of screen shots of my recipe as well for you to see. I mix in 200ml batches but I'd recommend mixing smaller ones till you know what flavor you want. As for nicotine strength that's something you'll have to work out for yourself. I was a escort red smoker 12mg. I started on 18% nic and that gave a good throat hit, used to make me cough. I backed it off every so often and have settled at 6% and am happy there. I think you said you smoked 8mg? I would recommend about 10% nic. If you find yourself wanting more or less just mix the next lot different.

When mixing I use a good quality measuring beaker type thing. For small lots use a syringe. Simply mix and let "steep" /sit and mix occasionally for about a week they say but I've used it straight away before. It's ment to help flavor develop better. There are heaps of youtube vids on mixing.

Anything else let me know.
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