My contribution to the stilling/brewing world...

Parrots beaks, valves, condensers, and all other hardware for stilling.

My contribution to the stilling/brewing world...

Postby busman » Sun May 22, 2011 7:33 am

After much research and development I'm proud to present my wash/wort aerator, and what's more, because I'm a generous bastard I'm handing over the top secret design to all Aussie Distillers members free of charge to build their own if they please. Here it is:


Tips for successful operation:
1: Don't tell the wife you used her best whisk
2: Run some boiling water over it first to kill any bugs
3: Aerate!
4: Don't let the cat lick it until AFTER you've finished (turns out cats quite like pre-fermented DWWG)
5: Dismantle. Return drill to garage before wife asks why you haven't used it to fix something she's been bugging you about for months, wash whisk and return it to kitchen drawer

*edit* - sorry mods, meant to put this in the Off Topic section, not sure how it ended up in Accessories.. feel free to move :mrgreen:
Mod edit. I figured it for an accesory and moved it, Certainly seems to me to be to topic, actually a good idea. 8-)
Posts: 233
Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 9:56 am
Location: Sydney
equipment: 2" VM column, 2" pot still, 55L keg boiler

Re: My contribution to the stilling/brewing world...

Postby reknaw » Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 am

Well it depends on the angle you look at it from, it technically is an accessory :)

When I first opened it up the first thing I saw was the cat........... WTF? :shock:
Posts: 829
Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:53 pm

Re: My contribution to the stilling/brewing world...

Postby busman » Sun May 22, 2011 11:34 am

hahaha, well all that fur gives her a large surface area, and she certainly would move around alot if I chucked her in the wash, so I can see how she might come in handy... think I'll stick with the drill and whisk though :lol:
Posts: 233
Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 9:56 am
Location: Sydney
equipment: 2" VM column, 2" pot still, 55L keg boiler

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