caramel vodka

Sugar wash info and questions

caramel vodka

Postby reknaw » Sun May 22, 2011 11:31 am

I was talikng to a coupe of the fellas from the forum who came over and we were talking about a mistake I made that turned out really well. Before your wash fully ferments (use a wash that is heavy on sugar i.e aim for 15% - 16%) run it, the unfermented sugar will caramelise in the boiler and carry over to your vodka. When I made it I pulled it at about 93% and it had a very nice flavour to it. It is the wifes favourite drink (no-one else is allowed to touch it, it is hers :D )
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Re: caramel vodka

Postby R-sole » Sun May 22, 2011 12:23 pm

I've done that before on a ujsm strip run mate. it got a horrible burnt flavour to it that try as i might i never got rid of. Pretty much one of the only ones i've ever tipped out. Must be a balance somewhere on how much sugars are left, but i sure didn't find it.
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Re: caramel vodka

Postby reknaw » Sun May 22, 2011 1:56 pm

Ah ok, I may have gotten lucky then or it may have been because I did a tomato paste wash so no sour taste from the UJSM combined with the burning of the sugar?

I have been meaning to try and replicate it but the missus is pregnant so she's not drinking it, combined with being sack. I'll give it a go again and see what it turns out like, I can always put it on the shelf till after bub is out and off the boob ;)
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