Alcotec turbo yeast red hot

Yeast talk, turbo, bakers and specialised strains

Alcotec turbo yeast red hot

Postby feralbass » Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:32 pm

Hi folks
The above yeast was gifted to me by the LHBS, just out of date; (4 packets).
Planning on doing some more Rum washes once the neutral is out of the fermentor
I can run at plus 30 deg with the Grainfather fermenter.
Going by the spiel; 25 deg 3-4 days, 35 deg 2-3 days
Is this stuff worth using?
Cheers, John :smile:
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Re: Alcotec turbo yeast red hot

Postby Maxxx » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:01 pm

Hey feralbass
My 2c = Hell no.
Although part of me thinks that everyone should do just one wash with it, sort of a right of passage and something to compare your future ferments against.
Seriously save yourself the grief of trying to clean it up to make it drinkable.
Find the TPW thread on here, buy a red tube of Lowans from Coles or woolies and you are already in front
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Re: Alcotec turbo yeast red hot

Postby The Stig » Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:54 am

No, just don’t .
You want to make rum ? All you’ll taste is turbo shit.
The Stig
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Re: Alcotec turbo yeast red hot

Postby wynnum1 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:33 am

Just use small amounts of the turbo yeast as the problem is the quantity of nutrient and a small quantity of the mix will work OK.
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