Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Tesla101 » Thu May 14, 2020 9:32 pm

Ben, definitely the yeast.

I get something similar when using a well known HBS brand. Same as you, couldn't get Lowans.

I just siphon the wash out about an inch from the top until I get to the dregs and some of the brains or lees starts getting sucked up. Hardly an issue if you're just doing a stripping run anyway, unless your boiler's elements are exposed then I suppose some if it could get burnt on the element.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby pimpsqueak » Thu May 21, 2020 5:08 pm

First stripping run of TPW today. (Hell, first run of a still full stop).

I have to say, as easy as this wash is to ferment, the stuff left in the boiler this arvo can only be described as The Worst Tomato Soup in the World.
It does get the job done though.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby The Stig » Thu May 21, 2020 6:17 pm

pimpsqueak wrote:can only be described as The Worst Tomato Soup in the World.

:laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby EternalApprentice » Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:42 am

First try of this recipe.
First try of anything not Turbo.

25L wash,
only variance is I inverted the sugar 1st. (I read on one of the other recipe's the yeast likes it more / has less work to do, figured it can't hurt)

Starting SG 1.080 30 Deg C
Stirred on Day 2 SG 1.052 28 Deg C (added Insulation)
Stirred on Day 3 SG 1.022 32 Deg C
Day 4 fell asleep early and forgot about it
Day 5 now, SG is 1.002 28.3 Deg C (stirred wash once again)
Wash is now pinkish, and airlock is 'blurp' about once every 8 seconds or so.
I'm thinking it's done or very close to it.

I'm guesstimating i've hit approx 10% ABV and I don't want to stress the yeast out, is it time to crash cool or wait it out ?
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby chipboy » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:34 pm

interesting, doing my first TPW too, its been bubbling every 1 min 20 for weeks and here was me waiting for that to stop. Time to reflux it then.

Thanks, will also test my SG, not used to doing that, time to use the scientific methods.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby RC Al » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:20 pm

Yeah both of you go hard

Even if its not fully dry, your not stressing the yeast out by trying to squeeze out every last bit, so in theory a better end product

Out side of SG readings, give it a taste, if its pretty dry, your good to go

They can sit there and degass for weeks otherwise
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby chipboy » Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:17 pm

I measured and it was 1.2 still and way too high main cause is low temps, 17 so I put the heater ion there on low and that will warm everything up a bit. Gave it a stir and left it to bubble.

Thanks for the suggestions I will follow these after measuring SG over a few days.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby EternalApprentice » Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:21 pm

chipboy wrote:I measured and it was 1.2 still and way too high main cause is low temps, 17 so I put the heater ion there on low and that will warm everything up a bit.

I'm only a newbie here , but i'd get as close to 1.000 (0.990 pref) as possible ( if your starting SG was up around 1.070 - 1.080 range )
and yeah 17 deg C is icy 28 deg C - 32 deg C as far as i know is much better and will ferment out in 4 - 5 days (unless your going for a slow ferment in which case all the power to you) again depending on your yeast (the champagne yeast likes it cold and slow)

RC Al wrote:Yeah both of you go hard

Ended up double distilling the last "classic turbo 8" sugar wash and left the TPW on the heater, turned off today and will throw that through the still after a clean up

aiming for just under 3 l of 93%
less foreshots, heads and tails perhaps 1.5 l ?
a good bottle or two , now deciding on how to flavour my first non HBS spirit, and i feel HBS flavour is kinda a :violence-smack: :teasing-nutkick: 8-} .

so i'm open to suggestions as only having done HBS flavours before ( and turbo yeast desperately needs flavouring as in the vodka, tequila and gins all had that paint stripper nose, and the taste could only be masked by liqueur or darker spirit flavourings )

I've read the TPW is a very clean neutral spirit with the hint of acidity and some say they can still taste the tomato lightly.

so .... as is ? wood ? infusion ?

i know it's a very personal thing, but i would love for this to stand out as a "Yes your on the right track" drink, something i can keep a sample of and look (by look i mean taste) back on over time and say this was the defining moment when the hobby really took off ....

i'd appreciate the input ladies and gents.

Cheers :ugeek: :pray: :obscene-drinkingchug:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby chipboy » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:51 pm

Funny, it finished today, still at 1.2 (yes I check the SG of water 1.000) and tastes dry wit a wine taste to it. Water in breather sitting at half mast both sides and it was bubbling yesterday

Into my little still it goes, shooting for straight neutral @ 93%

Good luck with yours too.
Last edited by chipboy on Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Lesgold » Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:01 pm

Hi Eternal Apprentice,

If you had a pot still, the TPW hearts would make a nice gin. Perhaps a few bottles of limoncello if you have access to a good supply of lemons.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby EternalApprentice » Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:51 pm

Lesgold wrote:Perhaps a few bottles of limoncello if you have access to a good supply of lemons.

I had a look at that recipe the other day actually and it doesn't appear that difficult, my Mother-in-Law has a well established lemon tree (and likes a drink or two) :obscene-drinkingchug: :obscene-drinkingdrunk:
Might be a way to earn a few brownie points :handgestures-thumbupleft:

As a side note
chipboy wrote:Funny, it finished today, still at 1.2

Checked mine as i was decanting it into the still SG 1.000 (down .002 from yesterday) i'll attribute that to temperature and be happy it's done,
online calculator says 10% ABV which was what i was aiming for,
so far so good. hope yours is going well :happy-partydance:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Mwil08 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:50 pm

fishfingers wrote:
axeallen wrote:Hi all, new here.

Previously i have only done turbo washes, but from reading thought id give this a try.

Made up a batch on the weekend as per recipe, but some how i think I may have muffed it, as hard as people seem to think that is. There has been no activity from the airlock. I cracked the lid to have a look, the top of the wash and there is nothing happening.its currently sitting inside, the temp on the stick on thermo is reading 30°. Any help is appreciated

Hi Allen
Can I suggest that you don't have the top on tight enough or a cut in the o ring around your air lock.
With a temp of 30 degrees there will be some activity going on inside.
TPW will see small bubbles only after a few days.
I use TPW only nowdays and have found that the yeast quantities need to be played with if the weather is getting colder.
I use 25 ltr water, 5.6kg white sugar, 246g tomato paste, 5g citric acid and when temp at 30 degrees 90g of bakers yeast.
The trick I have found when using a 30ltr fermenter is to use 6 ltr hot tap water to start.
Add all sugar and stir. This drops the hot water to 32 degrees. Add all tomato paste, citric acid and the remaining 19ltrs use cold tap water.
This has me starting at 30 degrees. This is when I give it another good stir and mix in the yeast.
Hope this helps.

Hi Fishfingers,

Thank you for the recipe, I am going to follow it exactly and look forward to the results!

Newbie question as this is my first TPW mix, If I add 6L and then the next 19L it should be well above the 25L mark on my fermenter, is this correct?

Or do I fill it up to the 25L mark and stop?

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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Tesla101 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:04 pm

Fill 'er up to the 25L mark :)
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Mwil08 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:22 pm

Tesla101 wrote:Fill 'er up to the 25L mark :)

Thanks mate!

Also was wondering if you or anyone else can share your thoughts on my next question.
Do you know what a TPW ABV should be before distilling it?

I’ve got my SG down to .990-.992 but the alcohol reading is very low, well below 10%.

One thing I may have made a mistake with is when making the wash I put an extra 2L of water in, could this have effected it?

I used:
5.6kg sugar
250g tomato paste
90g lowans yeast
5g citric acid
Pinch of Epsom salts

Filled it up to 25L but then added an extra 2L of water accidentally. :cry:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Professor Green » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:40 pm

I replied in to your same question in another thread but you've given more detail here (Probably best to ask a question in only one thread rather than multiple ones so you get all your answers in one place)

I don't think alcometers can be trusted in a wash. What was your starting gravity? You can calculate the ABV of wash using that and the final gravity.

5.6 kg of sugar made up to 27 litres should yield around 12%.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Mwil08 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:49 pm

Professor Green wrote:I replied in to your same question in another thread but you've given more detail here (Probably best to ask a question in only one thread rather than multiple ones so you get all your answers in one place)

I don't think alcometers can be trusted in a wash. What was your starting gravity? You can calculate the ABV of wash using that and the final gravity.

5.6 kg of sugar made up to 27 litres should yield around 12%.

Thanks Professor Green!

Please disregard the other post.

SG readings:
Day 1 - 1.070
Day 2 - 1.050
Day 3 - 1.020
Day 4 - 1.002
Day 5 - .995

I will check again tomorrow, everything has been going smoothly but as this is only my second ever wash I thought id check!

The ABV was lower than 10% today and that's why I was worried

Thanks mate :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Professor Green » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:37 pm

That calculates to around 9.7% which sounds about right to me. It's probably got a wee bit more to go though. I usually regard a wash as done when I get the same SG reading on 3 consecutive days.
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby Tesla101 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:23 pm

Professor Green wrote:That calculates to around 9.7% which sounds about right to me. It's probably got a wee bit more to go though. I usually regard a wash as done when I get the same SG reading on 3 consecutive days.

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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby nudder12 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:08 pm

Hoping for some answers/direction please....
I've run probably 6 or so TPWs now...the first few were fermenting on the cool side (around 22c) as I didn't have any sort of heater. I found they didn't really bubble much, just sort of mild fizzing.
Then I got a heater and my next TPW wash really bubbled quite a bit, making a foam on the surface. (at around 28c)
All of them got to a FG of around .990 latest 2 washes, using a heater (also 28c), have only been "fizzing" again. Haven't checked SG yet because they've only been on for a couple of days.

So, I'm just wondering what are people's experiences regarding fizzing/bubbling/foaming of the wash? Does it even matter?
And, if it should be bubbling/foaming more, what might I be doing wrong?
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Re: Tomato Paste Wash (TPW) Recipe Discussion

Postby dans.brew » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:20 pm

I wouldn't get too stressed about whether its bubbling or only fizzing... as long as its doing something, happy days.
Check your gravity a few times and if its heading towards .990 then your on the right path. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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