veg nutrients

A forum for mashing & fermenting fruits and vegetables

veg nutrients

Postby googe » Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:51 am

Hi all, been thinking about if its posible to boil up a combo of vegies that have certain vitamin's and use the veg water as a nutrient base?. Do you think it would work. Only prob i see is the amont of veg to use to get the vit's out might be large!.


Re: veg nutrients

Postby bt1 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:18 am

Good point!

Sounds like another Law of ohms wash experiment coming soon...the guru of experimental washes :handgestures-thumbupleft:

certianly vegatable water or a pureed type would hold penty of nurtrients for a wash. Getting a flavour balance might be the issue along with wash cost and time/effort.

Some may need sugars as low starch but hey just another flavoured sugar wash really.

Bigwheel kindly posted his experience on nutrient value of cornmeal last week. Bonus here is it provides nutrient and flavour! Don't under rate it... it's a power house.

If you want a real indepth listing of all foods try this one

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Re: veg nutrients

Postby googe » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:34 am

Yeah i think your right about the flaours. That food link is amazing, thanks mate, lots of reading there haha. I remeber reading that cornmeal thread, sounds interesting.


Re: veg nutrients

Postby grumpthehermit » Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:21 am

I have given thought to a veg wash.

Looked up quite a few different veges nutritional values and decided that Parsnips had a very similar make up to tomato paste.

Was going to try it but the parsnips at our local supermarket are ridiculously expensive per kg, and every time I have looked they have been old and dry ...

If I ever see some at a market cheap I would be tempted to buy a kilo, was thinking blend them all up with some water, unsure if I would then strain it all into a fermenter or just dump the mush in and hope it settles out once the ferment is finished.

I will hopefully try this one day, very interested to see how you go with whatever you end up doing.


Re: veg nutrients

Postby law-of-ohms » Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:31 am

Parsnips are easy to grow...

I too feel another experiment coming

Vegetable soup wash....
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby bt1 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:37 am

Parsnips guys? it would have a fair bite!

I'm thinkin of a more flavour friendly veggie myself pureed 5Star...err typo pumkin :D

cheap, easy might have a crack

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Re: veg nutrients

Postby law-of-ohms » Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:40 am

Pumpkin's been done before (Pumpkin beer)

hmm I think I have some horse raddish growing, i'll go check later....
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby grumpthehermit » Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:42 am

This is a good site for comparing nutritional values, this is the one I was using looking at what other veg combinations might give a similar result to tomato paste.


Re: veg nutrients

Postby googe » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:21 am

Interesting grumpthehurmit, parsnips are nice looking in our veg shop here, dont know when there season is?. Thats a great link too!!. I was thinking about packet veg soup mix yesterday law-of-ohms!, hmm wonder what goodies split pee mix has, will have to look it up. 5Star would be great bt1, smooth i recon. horse radish :shock: .

Re: veg nutrients

Postby crow » Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:08 pm

Split peas were done yrs ago by scarecrow I think see it I can find it . Parsip , radishes :roll: you lot are off ya guts :laughing-rolling: B&G tomato paste it like $ 1.70 good luck finding best nutrient to value than that . Fuck thought I was a stingy miser not in the swim here
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby googe » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:15 pm

Its not about value for $ for me, thinking outside the square and getting the best ya can out of any ingredient to make the tastiest most productive product there is ;). The world would be a boring place if we all just followed the leader :-| .

Re: veg nutrients

Postby bt1 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:36 pm

For taste then...

Australian natives like bush tomatoes, wattle seed flour

Florals like lillipilly...these are nice as is, nasturtiums

Odd fruits perhaps Avocados, bananas, and mangoes

List is bloody endless really. Well my pumkin sugar wash is underway...over to you guys.

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Re: veg nutrients

Postby grumpthehermit » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:44 pm

googe wrote:Its not about value for $ for me, thinking outside the square and getting the best ya can out of any ingredient to make the tastiest most productive product there is ;). The world would be a boring place if we all just followed the leader :-| .

And it's all in the name of fun ... You might just put together something that becomes another tried and proven and/or give us all yet another way to make a wash from items we can pick up at just about any supermarket.



Re: veg nutrients

Postby crow » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:47 pm

Shit just jogged my memory , guys back in the Riverland yrs ago were making lillipilly brandy supposedly (never tried it)it was really nice , had in mind to do quangdongs one day and have been thinking of doing Santalum sugar for a very long time (like 30 yrs) , It weeps and often ferments from injured (borers ect) trees particularly ones getting excess water , these are the desert sandalwood varieties
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby Multipleg » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:51 pm

I think boiling vegetables destroys a significant number of vitamins. Other vitamins leech out of the vegetable into the water.
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby crow » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:56 pm

No I think they are talking about making washes outa the shit now :roll: and I got called an uncultured peasant for mentioning a bread wash which surely to fuck would taste better than a radish wash could just chuck some yeast in the compost tumbler and be done with it yum yum
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Re: veg nutrients

Postby googe » Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:40 pm

I like the sound of using bush foods bt1, theres some beautifull flavours out there like you say. Sugar ant honey would be yum. Mango would be interesting too!. Yeah GTH thats the idea :handgestures-thumbupleft: this place is all about learning and sharing dif things hey. Lillypilly brandy sounds yum crow. What sort of vegies looses there vits when bolied Multipeg?, you got a link to that info?. we could use the veg water so nothing is waisted, like bt1 did. Your possitivity is endless crow :laughing-rolling:

Re: veg nutrients

Postby Frank » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:13 pm

not vegies but bushtucker so... not :text-offtopic: by the looks.....

Where I live (Eastcoast sub-tropics, why would ya wanna live anywhere else? :whistle: )
theres HEAPS of native fruiting plants/trees and I've successfully made good-or-better ferments (eg 'wine') from the following;
Davidsons Plum (Davidsonia pruriens)
Riberry (Syzygium luehmannii)
Midgen berry (Austromyrtus dulcis) and
Native tamarind (Diploglottis cunninghamii) so ..... :think: NFI about distillation... but why not :?:

Re: veg nutrients

Postby scarecrow » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:29 pm

The site that GTH mentioned is the one I used years ago to make washes from lentils, split peas and beans.

I used to make a nutrient bomb as follows:

WARM WATER 2 litres

Shake and leave overnight. Let settle then carefully strain liquid through tea strainer

* Can use Green Split Peas, Red Lentils or Brown Lentils

Don't use boiling water. Make sure temp is about 35 - 40C.
Use product immediately – do not let sit or it will go off
Boiling destroys the vitamin C, Vitamin B and folate which are valuable vitamins for your wash.

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Re: veg nutrients

Postby law-of-ohms » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:32 pm

There is a thread somewhere here with pics of my green split peas....

try this...

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