wheat malt extact vodka

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wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:13 am

Well, totally thinking about trying something like this in the next few days. I don't really have the space for mashing equip unfortunately, so ima have to settle on extracts.
First off one of my favorite commercial drinks, is the Russian standard vodka. just the basic variety they have, the upper ones such as silver and gold change the taste too much hmm.
This stuff is made from winter wheat they say on their website. so, a wheat vodka it is in hopes of trying to get something that tastes similar to this drop.

1.5KG coopers wheat malt extract x2 or 2 packs of dry wheat malt extract
3-3.5kg Dextrose
teaspoon Vitamin B liquid
Quarter Teaspoon citric acid

Thinking about adding some tomato paste for more nutrient, this part im not so certain on (probably couldn't hurt). I use rainwater from the hinterlands, so theres certainly no chlorine or fluoride in the water to annoy things.

not sure if anyone has any suggestions about acquiring the taste im after, but certainly suggestions are more than welcomed regarding anything here :)
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wheat malt extact vodka

Postby Sam. » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:27 am

The malt extract will have enough nutrients.

I would leave to tomato paste out personally if you are aiming at getting some of the flavours of the wheat through do you really want any tomato flavour?
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:29 am

hmm point taken.
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby Hill » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:05 pm

I don't know if this transfers over to the distilling washes but from my brewing experience you really need to add a portion of grain to get some grainy flavor coming through. Personally I would add some wheat malt, everyone on here swears by the sugarhead washes so maybe just add a few kg of Wheat malt into the fermenter. If you do want to add nutrient for the yeast you can get beer nutrient from the brew shops that have worked in the few washes i have done. I'm still working out the citric acid and vitamin B so I won't comment there but from what I have read they adjust the PH to make it a better environment for the yeast to work, you can get a product from the brew shop called calcium chloride, in beer this will lower the water of your PH and will bring out the malt/grainy flavor. this could work well to enhance what you wanted to bring out. There are lots of other beer related things you can do to improve malt extract beers and i would think a lot of them would transfer over to distilling as well.

Ill just add if you do use calcium chloride don't go crazy as too much calcium isn't good as well. start with a teaspoon and go from there.
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:44 pm

Well from my understanding the citric acid helps balance the water ph, as far as the vitamin B goes, I've seen it used in a few recipies, that and my brother who's studied micro biology seems to think it will help the yeasties thrive somewhat. he gave me some nice expensive liquid form vitamin B liquid. I dont think it will hurt at all, but may help the yeast stay healthy and strong. I dont fully understand the science behind it lol, im a 3d artist not a scientist :P. I prolly should add some more info about this. This will be for a single 30l fermenter, am hoping for 10-14% out of the fermentation. maybe thats a little high for tastes..need to give it a shot at least. I was going to use lowans bakers yeast for this. Various other readings suggest champain yeast or distillers yeast..but Im not sure they would work as good hmmm
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:47 pm

oh and this will be ran through a relux still from the start,I dont have a pot still :(. I know they say reflux stills strip all the flavor and HBS's but im not sold on that. from running TPW and then using up some still spirits classic yeast the other day...lets say the SS classic is not gonna get drunk lol...smells and flavors def follow through somewhat... so I should be able to maintain some grainy flavor at least or so I hope.
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby Hill » Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:01 pm

Let us know how you go mate, I would certainly be keen to know.
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby bt1 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:14 pm


try adding 2 or more weetbix...on the same theme.. is well tried ...will suit the wheat malt well....keep it all on theme!

btw Vitamin b is a bonus helps in cell muchies ...getting a feed on all that sugar. Epsom salts don't hurt either has no flavour impact and assists yeast cells in dividing and repairing cell walls...needed mainly in lag (first) and growth(second) phases of yeast lifecycle in brews.

If left to do it's own thing not stirred in straight away with lid banged on, say 30+ mins, it allows yeast to get on with growth to propagate to the optimal yeast concentration for your wash....which means best sugar consumption and fastest or optimal fermentation phase.

Unless your still runs at azeo theoretical max there will always be some wash pull through and flavours as a result. Plated column users especially manipulate that to get what each consider the ideal abv...a balance between those expensive time consuming AG washes and alco volume. I think even rum makers will catch on ..eventually :laughing-rolling:

Citric's primary role is to get the wash to the ph yeasts prefer. Most non specialist yeast like around 5.0 - 5.5 . Water normally is neutral at 7.0 but does vary greatly from area to area and supply type tap vs tank etc. It's worth doing in small amounts to get the starting pH right.
It's traditionally been used to avoid bacteria which prefer higher pH levels and sour mashing whiskies which owes more to marketing than science.

If you have a pH meter one thing you notice is your wash progressively gets more acidic. It's a by product of yeast consuming sugars and id fairly natural process. It's also the cause of why washes can be left for weeks with a few temp/locations exceptions.

kk the bullshit aside let us know how this one goes cos wheat based brews are a fave of mine and will get a fair flogging over the next few winter months.

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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:19 am

oki, I've settled on whats going into this recipe for now. Thinking of whipping it up today. Pretty sure my measurements with a ton of reading I have hopes for this.

liquid wheat malt extract 2kg
Sugar 4kg
wheetbix 1 cup

Vitamin B tspon
Citric acid 1/4 teaspoons
epsom salts 1.5 teaspoons

80g lowans bakers yeast

Will get back to everyone to share thoughts of taste when its finished.
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wheat malt extact vodka

Postby Sam. » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:48 am

How many liters you putting it in bud?

I am assuming 25?
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:53 am

yep..I always forget to add that lol
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wheat malt extact vodka

Postby Sam. » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:54 am

Soooooo it is 25 then?
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby emtherion » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:05 am

certainly is for 25 :)
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Re: wheat malt extact vodka

Postby unsub » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:09 am

Is there any update on this one yet?
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