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3rd gen macrum

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:07 pm
by howard
just stripped a 2nd gen 27l wash today.
i was left with about 20l of dunder.
i've added 10l of dunder to the old lees with usual 3lmolasses, 3kg raw sugar, dap & epsom (as per recipe).
i tested the wash and the SG was 1105! (dessert wine territory lol)
can't see anything different to other washes.
PH was 4.67
oh well, we'll see what happens.
the only thing i just thought, i used the end and start of 2 x 10l molasses cubes (bundaberg).
i washed the last one out with hot water to get all the dregs out.
and the first gulps of the new cube looked a bit crusty lol
what can go wrong 8-}

Re: 3rd gen macrum

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:22 am
by Nathan02
Gravity readings are never accurate in mollases washes due to the unfermentables in it.

Re: 3rd gen macrum

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:30 pm
by howard
Nathan02 wrote:Gravity readings are never accurate in mollases washes due to the unfermentables in it.

i had read that somewhere, but i thought 1.105 was a bit out there. lol

NB just been out to the w/shop, where yesterdays strip is airing, the smell of the 2nd gen is strong.
seems to be a huge leap in smell and taste from the original.
TBH i was smelling, feeling and tasting all through the strip, and after 175ml of fores, it's all 'interesting".
i know there's a lot of smearing, but might have a little taste later. (someones got to do it) :smile:

what happened?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:08 pm
by howard
just stripped that 3rd gen, it had stopped fermenting a few days ago.
i did notice the column temp go higher than usual at first, but i was too busy playing with my newly fitted voltage controller.
after starting to produce, i turned power down and collected about 200ml of fores slowly, then turned everything full blast.
on a stripping run, after fores, i just leave the produce going through the parrot and just check occasionally down to 20%.
usually it starts at about 68%, but this run i was getting only 50%.
tested the fores, they were only 61%.
out of 27L, only got 3L down to 20% (usually get 6L)
collected another 1L from 20% - 10% just in case there was any good stuff down there.
no, i didn't test the FG :mad:
what just happened? :doh:
looks like there wasn't a lot of alcohol in there to begin with.

might start gen4 with fresh yeast instead of old lees?