Hi all,
Another noob to distilling, residing in Ballarat, Victoria. I've been brewing beer successfully (mostly Coopers) for around 6 years but have only just started distilling. Unfortunately I purchased a StillSpirits Air still on a whim, without doing much research, and think I will soon regret this. Their online spiel seemed to indicate it was a simple process to make my own bourbon and rum, but from doing a fair bit or reading here I now realise this is mostly BS. However I blindly followed the instructions to make a wash with the turbo kit supplied, and after fermentation had finished and the clearing gunk had done its job and cleared the black carbon crap I put 4 litres of wash in the airstill, discarded the first 30 mls (as suggested in the instructions) and then kept the next 750 ml for consumption. I could tell from the smell of this 750 ml that this wasnt gunna taste at all like spirits I like to drink, but diluted it to 40% and added some spiced rum essence anyhow, waited a few days and then had a small sip. It was crap. So I'll try stripping the rest of the wash as described on his forum, then try making cuts, to see if I can improve it. After this I'll give the tomato paste wash a try and experiment with that. The info. on this forum will be invaluable. Thanks all.