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Postby Return starter » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:26 pm

I am using a 10l Air Still and from 10l of TPW I retrieve about 6l of first strip liquid. From this, after approximately 300ml of first cuts, I retrieve about 1l of 40%ABV. This seems a bit low. Is this what others are experiencing or am I taking too much in first cuts
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Joined: Thu May 13, 2021 3:19 pm
equipment: Pot still


Postby Wellsy » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:36 pm

Just do your cuts from the Spirit run mate. Strip runs are just to get as much low wines as you can.

Not sure if the 10L airstill enables differenciation between spirit and strip runs. From my experiments with the 4 litre variant doing stripping runs and then a full charge at 40% gave a much nicer and easier to cut product than a single run

As for yeild so much depends on the abv of what you put in to start with.

Hope that helps.
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Postby Return starter » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:59 pm

Many thanks Wellsy
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equipment: Pot still


Postby Esi spirits » Tue May 31, 2022 6:38 pm

I have tried the air still 5 lt and when u do a 25 litre wash it gets annoying quick doing multi sits waiting dripping cleaning
Esi spirits
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Joined: Sun May 29, 2022 3:48 am
equipment: Don’t have 1 just looking into it


Postby Bob9863 » Tue May 31, 2022 7:56 pm

I used one for years, making 5-6 runs from one load of wash (25lt) I'd get about 1lt from each run, I'd then get about 2.5lt from the 2nd run, I found packing the outlet with copper mesh helped then loaded it with carbon for the 2nd left me with about 2m5lt to age to try and finish it off.
Do that a bunch of times till I had 8lt to age and it turned out quite drinkable if no were near as good as anything I'm happy to lay claim to these days.
The key was all in the wash, I always used it more as a pot still so I wanted flavour and the key was making the best wash possible.
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equipment: 118lt keg still with 50lt thumper, gin cadfy/mini thumper and shotgun condenser
5lt copper pot still

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