Aging in barrells

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Aging in barrells

Postby kingy » Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:54 pm

Looking into buying a barrel or 2 to compliment my 20litre port barrell.
My port barrell is 12 years old now and the quality of port is really good. I only top up as I drink from it which is about 5-10 litres a year. Usually around 5.
As aging happens faster in smaller barrels and larger barrells arnt much more expensive I'm leaning towards a 25litre for my spirit, From my understanding a first use barrell is generally bourbon and then a scotch after that.
Also a 25 litre ages slower than a smaller barrell which means the barrell will last longer than if i was to get a smaller barrell of similar price.
Questions are.
Would a barrell for spirits be OK to drink from and top up as required like my port barrell. Obviously keeping an eye on not over oaking etc. Or is it best to let sit for 2-3 years and only top up what the angels take plus the occasional taste and bottle when happy with product and then fill with a single malt.
Is it ok to have a few barrells and as they age decant from one to another.
Say for instance a barrell had bourbon for 2years and a single malt for 5years, what would you do with barrell after that? Use it to dispense a bourbon or whisky from another newish barrel?
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Re: Aging in barrells

Postby bluc » Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:15 pm

You will get one Authentic tasting bourbon. You will get many refills of scotch or rum. I put quite bit rum through a 25l barrel now i add oak in a corney keg.
Barrel knocks rough edges off nicely.

And off course you can drink steaight from it and top up as needed...
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Re: Aging in barrells

Postby Wellsy » Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:41 pm

It won’t be a straight decant then top up as generally you drink at 40% and age between 60% or 65%.

If you decant just before drink you will get a bit of shock and roughness due to dilution. It usually needs a day or so to settle down.
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Re: Aging in barrells

Postby Wellsy » Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:42 pm

Sorry I meant to add if you decant into a decanter rather than a glass that would enable a day or so for it to settle are diluting it back
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