Hi, I am completely new at this distilling game and trying to build my first still, I am heading towards a CCVM for the easy dual purpose use, reflux and pot.
My biggest hold back at the moment is the product condenser,
I was originally thinking a Lieberg for ease of construction but they seem to need to unwieldly long to be effective
So I looked into a Shotgun for the higher efficiency with not too much extra construction,
That got me thinking, rather than 5 parallel vapour tubes, why not use a coil of 1/2" copper inside the 2" water jacket, some quick maths would suggest that 1/2" tube coiled to an outside diameter of 40mm and length of 450mm would give a total of 2.75mt of tube for the vapour to pass through. Using 5 x 450mm parallel tubes uses 2.25mt
The product condenser is what is really holding me back at the moment
Cost of parts, without labour/time considerations to construct is really starting to add up, maybe I should just buy a FSD Boka
Thanks in advance