water recycling

Parrots beaks, valves, condensers, and all other hardware for stilling.

water recycling

Postby Matt555 » Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:08 pm

well first propper post ime...

I'm about to build out a basement area for a new still to arrive in the near future.
I have most things squared away ecxcept for water.

Obviously I want to reuse water as much as possible. looking at recirculating solutions at the moment, but the issue i have is space. I simply cannot fit a water tank above 200l - 300l anywhere nearby.
So the question is regarding cooling of spent water from the condensers..
The obvious idea is some kind of active cooling system, but that leads me to worry about power consumption.
So passive cooling...
I have read things about burrying water pipe under ground (shallow) in a series of back and forth runs before going back to the tank supplying water into the still.
This is an option for me as the basement area i have has a gravel floor (under my house). I could in theory bury metal pipe under this and achieve approximately 20m length before it comes out to the holding tank.

It's obviously allot of work and I am wondering if anyone has tried this and does it work before i commit?

Last edited by Matt555 on Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: water recycling

Postby The Stig » Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:30 pm

If you can dig and doo all that , why not dig and partially bury a 1000L IBC .
They aren’t as big as it sounds and you would only need to partially bury it and maybe build a table over the top .
Just a thought.
Do you have a water tank in the yard feeding toilets ? If so use that
The Stig
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