Teddy's Fast Fermenting Vodka (FFV) Discussion

This area is for recipes that are not yet proven, use this area for experiments, recipe research and development of your own variations. Once a recipe is accepted as being good by the consensus it will be moved to the proven section.

Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby kiwikeg » Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:58 pm

benpandaae86 wrote:What does this wash end up as abv wise

Will it make as much end product as a tpw out of 4 kg sugar

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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:37 am

benpandaae86 wrote:Also any difference when using ec1118 yeast

I have a trial underway using UVA43 ( similiar to EC1118)
The noticeable difference so far is speed the wine yeast is much slower. Flavour may well be different but for the cost and speed I recommend sticking with bakers yeast
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:34 am

Update Yes The wine yeast was much slower. No great difference in flavour so stick to the original recipe - the speed was part of the purpose.

Over here in NZ it has been now accepted into the Tried and Proven category.

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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Shmacked » Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:03 am

Nice work mate.

Thanks for the update
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Peregian » Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:16 pm

Using Teddy's recipe I tried a variation on the wheat bran, and reduced the sugar to 4kg.
In place of the wheat bran I substituted "Be Natural" as it was 1/2 price ($1.68) at Coles, think they may have been clearing stock. The 5 grains got my interest and thought it may make a good Gin/Vodka neutral.

Put down 4 x 27 liter lots, first 2 used 1/2 packet of flakes about 160g for each 27 liters, the second 2 used 1/2 packet of flakes plus 140g of wheat bran for each 27 liters.

Used a stick blender to get things going and it was not long before the were all burping merrily away. The bran and flakes seem to be more active at this stage, hoping it will be a quick ferment. Starting SG was about 1060.

Added some pics of the flakes packet.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:46 am

I have experienced an epic fail with this recipe, almost certainly due to modifications made due to lack of availability of certain ingredients, or, even more likely, the rehydration of the yeast (something I have never tried before).

If anyone can see exactly where I have gone wrong I would be obliged. Also, suggestions if there is any chance of the ferment being rectified would be most welcome.

wheat bran - substituted Woolies Crunchy High Fibre Bran (64% wheat bran)

multivitamin tablet - I knew I was in trouble when I saw "crushed MV tab" - I have never seen a crushable MV tablet, I don't use MVs these days but years ago they were all capsules, and that's all I could find so I snipped off one end and squeezed the contents into the mix - this stuff doesn't seem to dissolve very well. I used 2 as there was some loss of content in the process.

DAP - I could only get wine nutrient from my LHBS - it contains DAP along with magnesium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, trace vitamins and minerals (probably meaning the MVT was unnecessary). There is no indication of the percentage of each component so I upped the dosage to 2 tsp.

Rehydration of yeast, I have never attempted this before so looked it up and more-or-less followed the instructions BUT using the amount of water mandated in the recipe - disaster! with just 100 ml of water for 50g of (Lowan's bakers) yeast I just had a gluggy mess - the instructions indicated I wanted a creamy paste so I added more water (at ~30C).

This seemed OK, I left it stand for 10 mins and there was a nice healthy looking froth on the top.

I added this to the mix my fermenter thermometer was indicating 28C but when I measured it with my digital thermometer it was 31C (oops).

At first things seemed OK there was some hopeful fizzing taking place, but an hour later my hopes began to fade as there was little or no fermentation happening.

I left it overnight and in the morning there was nothing.

I have sealed the lid and put an air lock on in the hope of catching some activity but nothing as yet.

I am wondering if, considering I may have killed the yeast, I could add more yeast to save the batch?

Any thoughts welcome.

PS I realise this may not be the best place for this so happy for it to be moved (newbies section?).
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby WTDist » Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:12 am

is it fizzing. put your ear up to it it may be fizzing.
also 50 grams yeast to 100ml of water. where did you read that :wtf:

try 100ml per 10 grams next time. youtube has some re hydrating vids :handgestures-thumbupleft:

if its not fizzing, just stir in 50 grams of yeast and see what happens. if nothing then i dont know what you did... did you add sugar :))

ive had success with about 10 weetbix, teaspoon epsom sugar and yeast. no citric acid. worked fine so i dont see how yours can be failing
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:46 am

WTDist wrote:is it fizzing. put your ear up to it it may be fizzing.

Yep, it's now making all sorts of noises and bubbling away - no bubbling in the airlock right now but expect it to start any time soon.

WTDist wrote:also 50 grams yeast to 100ml of water. where did you read that :wtf:

In the recipe at the beginning of this thread "Rehydrate the yeast in 100ml water and add to the mix".

WTDist wrote:try 100ml per 10 grams next time. youtube has some re hydrating vids :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Yes, I had done my homework so I can't really say I didn't know better, but the recipe seems fairly explicit and so...

To be honest, in the end I more or less came up with the same results by just adding more water, but I did have to give it all a good stir to break up what was the biggest yeast lump you would have ever seen, perhaps that stressed the yeast too much, or, perhaps my wash was too warm, I wouldn't have thought so because this yeast has worked for me in warmer water before.

WTDist wrote:if its not fizzing, just stir in 50 grams of yeast and see what happens. if nothing then i dont know what you did... did you add sugar :))

:laughing-rolling: Yes I added the sugar, although using only 4kg was tough - it's usually 8! :laughing-rolling: I only mentioned the things I didn't do exactly to the recipe.

WTDist wrote:ive had success with about 10 weetbix, teaspoon epsom sugar and yeast. no citric acid. worked fine so i dont see how yours can be failing

Yes, I had success with that too - I was going after a fast ferment so I can break my boka in - and to try another recipe of course.
I think I jinxed myself by worrying over all the little mods I had to make (oh and I bought a new 30L fermenter specifically for this recipe).

I am scratching my head about the 1/2 tsp of DAP - it's such a small amount - the stuff I am using calls for 20-30g of it - perhaps I should chuck more in?
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:25 pm

Just an update, 4 hours+ later and still no airlock bubbling, but there is definitely some fizzing and popping going on - just not enough.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby WTDist » Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:39 pm

Its fine :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Fermenters dont always seal tight
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:22 pm

WTDist wrote:Its fine :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Fermenters dont always seal tight

That's a good point - this is a new fermenter and I am not all that keen on the lid seal, and I am sure I am getting the occasional whiff of fermenting bran.

It is certainly a nice smelling wash, particularly if you are a breakfast person. ;-)
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Sam. » Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:59 pm

If you can hear fizzing with your ear on the fermenter then it is working.

Fuck air locks :teasing-nutkick:
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:00 pm

Sam. wrote:If you can hear fizzing with your ear on the fermenter then it is working.

Fuck air locks :teasing-nutkick:


I am by no means advocating the use of airlocks, to hell with them! BUT this recipe is supposed to be so aggressive I shouldn't be ABLE to use an airlock - instead it's a damp squib (or a damp squid depending on whose IT Crowd side you are on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnXKVY-_i2c).

Instead of a volcano it's a morass...

Instead of a Turbo it's an Oburt (what ever that is)

Instead of Usain Bolt it's me with a bad case of gout... (and don't try and tell me there aren't those here who know what that is like...) :crying-blue:

It's a DEAD PARROT! (EDIT: or at least it needs mouth to mouth resuscitation)

EDIT: I do exaggerate of course - it is still fizzing and bubbling when I lift the lid (I can't help looking) but yeah, it's a very quiet ferment.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:37 am

Shhhh don't tell anyone - it was a loose airlock grommet :roll: :oops:

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

It is now bubbling a way very nicely but will have to work out how to seal it properly when done - the hole in the lid must be too big.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:54 am

Several points here.
1 Rehydrating - my system includes starting with 100 to maybe 150ml of warm water in a 1 litre jug. I sprinkle the yeast slowly in several stages into the water and let it sit - Don't stir at this stage.
After 15 minutes or so I stir it into a cream. Then I add about equal amount of the prepared wash (say 150ml). I stir this in and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
By this time the mixture has expanded up to 3 to 5 times the volume.
This yeast has now become very active without the attrition rate of up to 50% of cells when simply sprinkling the dry yeast into the wash. You have also proven that it is viable and not old and stale.
at even 31C your start temp is still fine as bakers yeast will tolerate up to 38C or so.

2 Ingredients. I chose the wheat bran because it is so inexpensve fo me - A 5kg bag costs about $6.00 here at the stockfood place. This equates to about 30c per wash for the bran. Your hi-fibre bran is only 65% wheat bran I don't know what else is in it.

3 Multivitamins. In my local supermarket I find a huge range of mens multi-vitamins sold as tablets. I use a mortar and pestle to powder a tablet.

4 DAP (DiAmmonium Phosphate ) is readily sold here at HBS and especially winemakers supply stores. Have a look on line if you cant get it locally.
The nutrient mix you use will certainly work but has extra ingredients not necessarily all the stuff that is in the MV tabs. Yeast like a whole assortment of trace minerals and vitamins.

5 I dont know what your water is like so pH is important to have in the right range 4.5 to 5.0

6 Airlock If the wash is fizzing I suspect the container is not sealing properly. A good test is if you push gently on the lid of the bucket, you should see the water in the airlock move. I use the airlock as a visual guide as to completion.

However it sounds as if it all working now so let it run till you hear the fizzing stop and check the SG with a hydrometer to confirm.

Good Luck.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:55 am

Bundaboy wrote:Shhhh don't tell anyone - it was a loose airlock grommet :roll: :oops:

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

It is now bubbling a way very nicely but will have to work out how to seal it properly when done - the hole in the lid must be too big.

Just spotted this after my reply.
Ptfe plumbers tape is good for wrapping round the grommet to help seal.
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:49 am

Thanks so much for all of that, it sounds as if I wasn't too far off the mark with the yeast, I will know next time.

Yeah my HBS doesn't stock the DAP and buying online makes it so much more expensive unless you buy in very large quantities for instance I can get 500g for $6.95 + GST + $24.35 shipping... That equals about $6.40 per 100g (very close to a normal HBS price) but who would ever need that much DAP? Online HBSs sell it for a similar price per 100g but $15.00 shipping - I will investigate further. I am going to try some local wineries.

Thanks for the plumbers tape tip - I don't know why I didn't think of that myself - it solves every leak problem! In the meantime I have used some glad wrap and that seems to work well. I just hope I haven't introduced an infection by all the fiddling.

Teddy, when you say stockfood (for the bran) - are you referring to (eg) cattle feed places?

Thanks so much for the comments, they are a big help.

PS I asked around my (not-so) local supermarkets for "bakers Bran" and they all looked at me as if I was from Mars...
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Bundaboy » Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:05 pm

Is this the kind of place to buy Bran?

http://www.bowralco-op.com.au/products/ ... attle.aspx

(20kg bags down the page, plus crushed Barley etc.)
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:20 pm

Yep that would be a good source.

It would last a while at 250g per wash. (80 washes)

If you cant get a smaller bag store it in a tight sealed bucket/bin.

re the DAP I use it in all my washes and buy it 1kg at a time. It keeps for ages in a airtight jar
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Re: Teddys Low Cost Turbo Alternative

Postby Teddysad » Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:31 pm

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