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Hello from the US

Postby patpawlowski » Thu Jan 30, 2025 10:58 pm

Hi all,

Somewhat of a newbie here. I have only been distilling for about a year and have only done a few runs. I have two batches of bourbon and one of Scotch that have been aging for almost a year. I just finished distilling another batch of bourbon and have another fermenting.

I have a small 30-liter still and only make small batches, usually resulting in about 2 liters of product at 60ish ABV.

This last run went pretty well, but I only got about 1700 mills of 65% ABV. The fermentation got stuck at 1.022, and despite even pitching a second starter, I couldn't get it to budge.

Anyway, I look forward to learning and hopefully being able to contribute what I can. I've been homebrewing for 20 years, so I might have something to contribute from that end of things, although things have changed a lot over the years, and fermenting for distillation is quite different than for beer.

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Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:26 pm
Location: Evansville, Indiana, USA (I'm a blue dot in an red state)
equipment: I have a pretty generic 2" column still attached to a 35-liter DigiBoil. I have 3 plates and a second 21" straight column packed with copper mesh.

I also have a 5 liter air still that I use mostly for creating distilled water for brewing and other stuff. It's not the Air Still brand but a similar product that is considerably less expensive.

Re: Hello from the US

Postby BigRig » Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:16 pm

Hey pat welcome. Good people here with plenty of good advice
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Re: Hello from the US

Postby The Stig » Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:23 pm

How’s the weather in Indiana ?
So hot AU Brisbane at the moment
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Re: Hello from the US

Postby patpawlowski » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:23 pm

We just finished a couple of weeks with the highs below freezing. Right now, it's 13ºC at 6 am, so it's a bit of a relief. Gearing up to get the garden started. Ordering seeds.

On the brewing front, I have 8 cornys filled with beer, so I'm pivoting to the still. I just put ~1700 mills of bourbon on oak and have 30 liters of bourbon mash fermenting on grain, which is my first attempt to ferment on grain.

I'm considering starting a TPW this weekend to see how that goes. I haven't tried any neutral spirits yet.

Site Donor
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:26 pm
Location: Evansville, Indiana, USA (I'm a blue dot in an red state)
equipment: I have a pretty generic 2" column still attached to a 35-liter DigiBoil. I have 3 plates and a second 21" straight column packed with copper mesh.

I also have a 5 liter air still that I use mostly for creating distilled water for brewing and other stuff. It's not the Air Still brand but a similar product that is considerably less expensive.

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