I started this "hobby" maybe 15 years ago. Read every forum post on every forum I could find. Got good at Neutrals and flavouring them with bush tucker. Got good at UJSSM. Highlight was a visit from a blues musician friend from Texas. He'd travelled the South extensively and sampled moonshine everywhere he could. I gave him a couple of bottles of various things I made. The UJSSM he rated the 2nd best 'shine he'd ever had by taste but by far the most smooth. Cool to get feedback like that. It's difficult to get good feedback in this hobby.
About 6 years ago I had to move house and didn't have the space or facilities to set everything up again and all my gear went into storage. New place now and it's all out of storage now and a vinegar cleaning run on the old pot still is happening as I type. Reading the forums again avidly and looking forward to getting back into it all one more.
I was there in the beginning of the flute design threads and always curious about them but not in a position to afford one and my metalwork skills are laughable. Now I have a few more $$$ for fun but a lot less time, so I'm back to thinking about bubblers. I can't spend a weekend babysitting a neutral run like I used to. The idea of pulling it off at pot still speeds is stuck in my head. The FSD Neutralizer is looking awfully tempting.
If anyone in Victoria has one and wants to show it off and give a little lesson in running it in either neutral or 4 plate flavour mode, that would be awesome.
Glad to back amongst you all. Dreading having to wait to age up new batches but I was always fond of the white lightning anyway... Cheers.