Coming back to it all

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Coming back to it all

Postby Multipleg » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:22 pm

I started this "hobby" maybe 15 years ago. Read every forum post on every forum I could find. Got good at Neutrals and flavouring them with bush tucker. Got good at UJSSM. Highlight was a visit from a blues musician friend from Texas. He'd travelled the South extensively and sampled moonshine everywhere he could. I gave him a couple of bottles of various things I made. The UJSSM he rated the 2nd best 'shine he'd ever had by taste but by far the most smooth. Cool to get feedback like that. It's difficult to get good feedback in this hobby.

About 6 years ago I had to move house and didn't have the space or facilities to set everything up again and all my gear went into storage. New place now and it's all out of storage now and a vinegar cleaning run on the old pot still is happening as I type. Reading the forums again avidly and looking forward to getting back into it all one more.

I was there in the beginning of the flute design threads and always curious about them but not in a position to afford one and my metalwork skills are laughable. Now I have a few more $$$ for fun but a lot less time, so I'm back to thinking about bubblers. I can't spend a weekend babysitting a neutral run like I used to. The idea of pulling it off at pot still speeds is stuck in my head. The FSD Neutralizer is looking awfully tempting.

If anyone in Victoria has one and wants to show it off and give a little lesson in running it in either neutral or 4 plate flavour mode, that would be awesome.

Glad to back amongst you all. Dreading having to wait to age up new batches but I was always fond of the white lightning anyway... Cheers.
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Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:38 pm
Location: Melbourne Metro
equipment: 5 Star Neutralizer. 4" modular 5 plate and packed column.
Beer keg boiler, pot still and a VM column.

Re: Coming back to it all

Postby RuddyCrazy » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:33 pm

Welcome back to the rabbit hole mate :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Now seeing you have a pot still and have done a few of the TT recipes how about thinking of going that next step and go AG :handgestures-thumbupleft: It was a huge step for me originally and now I'm on my third season it's just going from the best to even better with every new recipe.

I took my hip flask to a shutdown I was on and just about every guy that had a taste said it was the best whisky they had ever tasted :handgestures-thumbupleft: So all that hard work I did " Just Hurry Up and Wait" paid off bigtime so I did prove it wasn't just me that loved it :laughing-rolling:

Once you get your first done and dusted that rabbit hole will be at your door saying comeon take that next step to make it that much better.

Cheers Bryan
Posts: 2724
Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:36 pm
Location: Not far from Kanmantoo SA
equipment: 4" copper bubbler with a setup for Neutral and a thumper for Whisky and my old 5 litre pot for doing maceration runs and MiniMe the baby pot still

Re: Coming back to it all

Postby The Stig » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:40 pm

Won’t take long mate and it’ll all come flooding back to you and once you’ve got the “right” gear you won’t know how you lived without it all :laughing-rolling:
You e got my number feel free to call , but no chuppa chups via phone :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
The Stig
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Re: Coming back to it all

Postby Wellsy » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:55 pm

Welcome back. keep your eye out for storage vessels, by my calculation once you have 200 - 250 litres aging things get easier :laughing-rolling:
the first 2 years waiting is the hardest lol
Posts: 2431
Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:48 am
Location: Victoria
equipment: FSD 4” Modular Pot Still plus 4 FSD Bubble plates on FSD 50 ltr Milk Can Boiler + 2 x 2400W FSD Element and Guard Kits

Re: Coming back to it all

Postby Multipleg » Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:08 pm

I've got well over 250l aging vessels :) I always aged in glass with oak inside. Lots of 5l, 10, some 20l and 50l...

AG seemed like an awful lot of effort compared to the results I was getting out of UJSSM. I crushed 120 kilos of apples once for an apple bandy that was astonishing good. I think one of the best batches I ever made was a Grappa from the pomace from a friend who put down a barrel of homemade wine.
Site Donor
Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:38 pm
Location: Melbourne Metro
equipment: 5 Star Neutralizer. 4" modular 5 plate and packed column.
Beer keg boiler, pot still and a VM column.

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