Belated Greetings

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Belated Greetings

Postby Macca80 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:24 pm

Hi All

Thank you for welcoming me and some basic info about me.

I live in Albany and small town on the WA south coast. Family of a wife, small boy and dog, living the aussie dream

Only recently got a bit of an itch for distilling from seeing a secondhand still recently. After a bit of research I then went out an purchased a SS T500 with copper column in a half share with my brother. Coincidently at the same time bought a brew kit to start making ginger beer and cider. While there was some discussions with going all out and purchasing soemthing like a brewzilla 35 gen 4 to allow us to do the best of both worlds ended up settling for the T500 as it seemed pretty simple and there was scope to modify it or sell and upgrade later if required (i'm thinking it may be required once we have this producing something we are happy with)

Wash is currently fermenting at the moment and expected to have an initial run on thursday all going to plan. Was going to make 100ml cuts for the first 500ml and then 250ml cuts and go from there.

Also have a Morgans ginger beer mix brewing ready for easter.

Well thats pretty much it for me.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:19 pm
Location: Albany WA
equipment: Still Spirits T500 copper column (no modifications yet)

Re: Belated Greetings

Postby The Stig » Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:56 pm

Welcome Mecca .
The turbo your brewing will be rubbish but it will get you going .
Check the TPW and do one of those as your second distill.
You won’t go back to turbos .
Good luck and enjoy the ride.
Oh and no matter what anybody tells you , the T500 will only make neutral spirit
The Stig
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