All Grain Beer

Discussions about beer and wine making.

All Grain Beer

Postby RuddyCrazy » Sun May 01, 2022 6:42 pm

G'Day Guy's,
Well in my quest to win the Carob & Hare I finished off those redgum slabs


Now the full thinner round will be used to make a table and the other 2 got 10 slots in each to make some stands for my Dragon Flies and Flowers

Now i did suggest a good IPA or other all grain beer setup for ontap would get the locals in would be the go where I was told just do it Bryan :scared-eek:

As I'm just a moonshiner :scared-eek: going the anal route of beer is going to a wakeup call but eh my daughter will be running the show :laughing-rolling:

so lets talk AG and how to get it ontap as this is going to be a crash course :scared-eek:

So do we have any anal beer freaks on this forum and yes that does include YOU Wellsy :violence-smack: and others to chime in.

I do think the Corney Keg as the AG beer and a bit of CO2 will make for nice pour in the glass but what are your guy's thoughts.

So recipes and methods would be nice.

Cheers Bryan
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby Wellsy » Mon May 02, 2022 6:35 am

Have a look at the beersmith website make truck loads of recipes on there.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby Wellsy » Mon May 02, 2022 6:40 am

Brewfather have a great app for calculating og and fg if you put in all the ingredients.
All grain beer is another rabbit hole lol.
I brew in a 30 litre fermenter but only about 23 litres and end up with about 20 litres. I got 2 half cornies as full size won’t fit in the fridge. It is not too difficult mate as even I managed to get drinkable product first attempt.
Need to be a lot fussier with cleanliness doing beer instead of spirit due to not cooking everything after fermentation.
You can even start with an all grain kit if you see one you like.
Good luck mate
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby Bodgy » Mon May 02, 2022 6:03 pm

Grab a fresh wort kit to get you started before you begin with the actual process of making the wort if you have never brewed before. Learn sanitisation, fermentation, sanitary transfer and carbonation. Later on you can add the complexity of brewing from grain.

Sanitisation is the most important thing. Temperature control of the ferment is the second. You NEED a fermentation fridge with a temp controller if you want to make something worthwhile.
Last edited by Bodgy on Mon May 02, 2022 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby howard » Mon May 02, 2022 10:52 pm

all the above.
just go for a tried and tested recipe first.
appreciate that it's bad to let the beer come into contact with any air after fermentation, so learn how to clean and purge the corny & perform 'quiet' transfers.
i just started using a beer filter kit from kegland, you have to clean and purge, a bit tricky first time but pretty straight forward now.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby Wellsy » Wed May 04, 2022 7:08 am

As has been said, and really can’t be said enough, when it comes to beer sanitisation is super important. Not sure how you you are planning to do the all grain mate but temperature control with a gas ring might be an issue for you trying to hit the temp marks for the mash especially if it has 2 or 3 different temps in the cooking process.
I fermented in my roughly insulated cupboard and it was very low for me, 25 degrees. Not like spirit get it happening as fast as you can lol. I also did not worry about purging the corny keg until it was full, then it was hook up the gas, and simply vent the keg 2 or 3 times.
I went with the slow carbonation method of hooking the keg to normal pressure and wait 2 weeks, although I was drinking it after 5 days and it was fine lol.
A man with your skill set and ability will have no issues with this Bryan give it a while mate.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby RuddyCrazy » Fri May 06, 2022 7:43 pm

G'Day Guy's,
Well been thinking about this for a bit now and I'll write up a brief and see how Donna goes as if one does want to get into the game then the gear needs to be made. :handgestures-thumbupleft:

As far as buying tanks to do this job which I aint got the time to look and besides the cost them would way outstrip the cost of some 3mm SS plate which
I can roll at work and mig up using one of the Lorch mig welders 15K :scared-eek: welders that the bees knees in welders :laughing-rolling:

As far as kegs to put ontap just need to sort capacity then make them and when the guy comes in to test the tanks he can test my keg's to get the stamp :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Now as beer does need a clean environment this will be done at the old pub then it will just be a case of teaching some gal's to do the job :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

Now it will be interesting to talk with my work mate about using the roller to make frustums as conical fermerters are the go and i reckon that trick I found on this forum will do for the marking out then just use a plasma to cut it out.

Next week the Wookie is back and that does guy know a few things as he is the purchasing guy and it will be good to get the pricing on the SS I have selected as this will be a fun project.

Well basically making a beer does need to buy the right grains, hops etc so really all I need to do is make the stuff and they can do the job of buying the stuff it really is a girls job :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

Cheers Bryan
Last edited by RuddyCrazy on Fri May 06, 2022 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby RuddyCrazy » Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:58 pm

Well in my all grain quest first one has either malt some barely or just crush up some barely and use that AMG enzyme I have here :laughing-rolling: and try to do a mash just using the enzyme to convert the starch to sugars.

As do love a good lager and my second brew of that European lager kit and a kilo of wheat malt it's 3 beers to get on the plane to a good time or 6-7 to get legless :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

So here are my thought's just malt some barely then to drive out all the moisture just get on with that trial I did today for making a dehydrator and use that old Westing House cabinet I used to use to hold that electric fence controller I made that I had to take down as when the grass touched the wire it burnt :scared-eek: So intsead it spent 5 years powering a fence to protect my dam with the yabbies in from poachers. Well it work as I saw a thread on the local chat where a guy got a full blast around the groin area while going yabbying :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

So the idea is this cabinet will get 5 shelves using some of that 10mm sized holes in the gal screen off cuts I have here and line then with screen door mesh, then once the barely is ready to dry just chuck the lot in and turn it on then come back a few days later once the grain is totally dry. Rinse and repeat until I have enough to do a mash. :handgestures-thumbupleft:

So my idea is try and make a beer from my own malted barely and use the hops suited for a lager and S23 yeast. Well if the beer doesn't work out I can always turn it into a single malt :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:

Cheers Bryan
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby Old_Tom » Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:39 pm

Hi Bryan

Did you make any lagers yet?

I've made a few, you need fridges for lager.

I have a cellar fridge at 11 C which I can ferment in or my fermenting fridge which I can set at whatever temp I want and I have a shop fridge for lagering, I can fit two 30 L fermenters in at a time. Currently there is a German pilsner and and a Vienna lager in there, I'll be kegging them soon for Oktoberfest.

I have a bit of stainless steel kit for general brewing, one each 35 L and 50 L mash tuns and triclove RIMS heater, 50 L and 70 L boil kettles and two 32 L boilers for hot liquor.

I have three 30 L plastic fermenters, one 60 L and two pressure fermenters.

Brew day for me goes like this;

Filter sufficient water for mash into boiler and into 25 L cube for sparging.

Boil sparge water, chill to strike temperature and add a little (2g) sodium metabisulphate.

While boiling and chilling weigh out grain and condition barley malt with 1.5% of it's weight in water.

Mill grain into mash tun, add adjuncts or milled non barley grains.

Purge tun with CO2 then underlet strike water, circulate wort through rims stick and raise to/maintain mash temperature for an hour or so, raise to next temperature step or mashout as required.

Mow grass or clean stuff while starch conversion takes place.

Boil sparge water, chill to 78 C and add a tiny amount (0.2g) sodium metabisulphate, hold at 78 for sparging.

When mash is complete add first wort hops to kettle connect up sparge water and run mash into kettle.

Boil for at least 80 minutes, add additional hops as required and kettle finings, when boils is complete whirlpool and chill to pitching temperature, leave for an hour or more to settle.

Add yeast to fermenter and run boiled and hopped wort onto it slowly so it splashes and picks up some oxygen.

Then there is fermentation which varies a bit depending on what I am making.

For lager fermentation is something like;

Primary ferment at 9 to 11 C then cool slowly to 4 for secondary fermentation, when complete, rack into pressure fermenter and reduce temperature slowly to 0 C and leave to lager for a s long as I can stand, sometimes as little as 2 or 3 weeks and up to 6 months for Marzen or Vienna lager then fine and keg.

Ales are a bit quicker, once in the fermenter they go into the fermenting fridge or just stand in the garage on a heater pad with a temperature controller and some insulation, a fleece blanket or similar. Once fermented may have dry hops added and be crash chilled then kegged or bottled.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby bluc » Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:40 am

Very much a newbie ruddy but look in blucs all grain thread.
There is an excel calculator in there for mixing wort of different gravity to find og before fermentation, I found it very useful during traditional mashing of large volumes(200l ) wort. Mixing runnings of different gravitys to find a total combined og.
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Re: All Grain Beer

Postby bluc » Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:46 am

Biggest challenge malting home scale, imho is drying and turning(climate permitting). If doing a 25kg bag or more per batch I would floor malt,= labour intensive or an expensive machine to turn it. 5-10kg in a 44g drum is doable anymore is a challenge ....
Last edited by bluc on Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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