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Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:20 am
by Maximus_Moonshine
Great stuff Woodduck. Really enjoyed the vid and found it very informative. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to put that together. Would like to see more. For noobs like me I reckon a tour of the bubbler explaining each component, assembly, setup, options etc would be great.
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:35 am
by Jimmy.
Any chance you can also go through the setup of the bubbler?
Do you run packed sections?
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:49 am
by woodduck
If you click on the links (Glass duck, ducks nuts etc) right at the bottom of my signature below they will take you to my build threads which will show you the different configurations I use :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:04 pm
by crikko
Thanks Woodduck.
I've been wondering how these actually worked, the theory can only get you so far, and all the other videos I've found are about 2-3 minutes worth.
The only thing it hasnt helped with is my budget and being able to afford the upgrade. Can you do a video on that?
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:15 pm
by Rock
crikko wrote:Thanks Woodduck.
I've been wondering how these actually worked, the theory can only get you so far, and all the other videos I've found are
The only thing it hasnt helped with is my budget and being able to afford the upgrade. Can you do a video on that?
Yep that bloody purse string :text-lol:
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:00 pm
by woodduck
crikko wrote:The only thing it hasnt helped with is my budget and being able to afford the upgrade. Can you do a video on that?
Yep the old budget can go out the window pretty quick if your not careful but shop smart and you'll be surprised what you can put together. Scrap yards are often a good source of cheap copper. (Try find new stuff if you can just for safety sake) consider a non modular bubbler with a plate tree, less flanges and fittings.
Re: Bubbler run tutorial video

Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:36 pm
by Justillit
woodduck wrote:Hi guys,
I thought it might be of interest to some here if I did a video of one of my runs. I've tryed to explain how I go about it along the way. It's based on mac's "easy way to run a plated column". remember this is how I do it not how you must do it. It is a basic run strategy for a 4" 4 plate bubbler running on 2400w no controller. You can tweak your runs to suit you however you like but try master the simple before going crazy with different strategies. Keep it simple to begin with.
I hope it's of use to some of you. I have a few hiccups along the way so it shows you how to overcome some problems you may face while running a still.
Well enjoy :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Appreciate this @woodduck