Anyone tried the Browin essences?

Homebrew shop essences talk.

Anyone tried the Browin essences?

Postby AdrianCopper » Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:18 pm

Anyone tried the Browin range of essences? If so how did they compare to the likes of still spirits essence range? Apart from one or two mixed Amazon product page reviews I really can’t find much on these things!

Not a fan of bourbon, whiskey, rum, vodka, gin essences from any brand but I do like to use essences for certain products. E.g some of still spirits brown spirit liqueur essences are awesome considering they are liqueurs and aren’t supposed to have the subtle flavour profiles of most brown spirits.

Also a big fan of the likes of the vermouth, coffee liqueur (makes a lovely espresso martini) and the triple sec essences again from still spirits. Considering these are basically cocktail mixers they taste absolutely fine.

Just wondering how similar products from the Browin essence range compare to the likes of still spirits?

Particularly interested in Browin as they have some very unusual spirit essences in the range!

On a side note, how good are the prestige essences? They have some bitter essences which I’m interested in as cocktail mixers.
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