Jim Beam Black Cherry Bourbon

Homebrew shop essences talk.

Jim Beam Black Cherry Bourbon

Postby bikiechick » Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:55 am

Hi, am new @ this but "WOW" so glad I found this site!!!!
does anyone have any ideas how 2 make this???? :text-thankyoublue:
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Re: Jim Beam Black Cherry Bourbon

Postby NotBenStiller » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:54 pm

Hi bikiechick,
this section of the forum is pretty quiet so your post might have been missed but a lot of people
maybe sai HI in the Welcome Centre section and re ask there :p
(I canna help coz i dunna use essences)
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Re: Jim Beam Black Cherry Bourbon

Postby mullamulla » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:19 pm

Can't really offer any help but that sounds tasty =p~
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Re: Jim Beam Black Cherry Bourbon

Postby Choice Bro » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:59 am

Hi Bikiechick,

The best part of this 'hobby' is experimenting.

I would recommend getting some Jim Beam Oak Chips available from most homebrew supplies.
Soak 2L of neutral on 100gms of oak for at least 2 weeks.
After this time the flavours and colour will have been released from the oak and it will start to look and smell like bourbon.

While the spirit is aging, I would fill a large jar with black cherries (frozen from supermarket if not in season) and cover the cherries with neutral.
Shake the jar a few times a day and after a couple of days I would sample the spirit and hopefully, it should now be a cherry colour and flavour.
Next you can drain the spirit out of the jar (filter through cotton wool stuck in a funnel to remove fruit residue) and have it ready to mix with some of the bourbon - experiment to get a balance of flavour.
You can also cover the remaining fruit in white sugar and shake when ever you walk past. This will absorb the remaining alcohol from the fruit and will create a cherry liqueur. You can drain and repeat adding sugar until all the alcohol has been absorbed (approx 3x).
You can also add this to the bourbon if you want to make it sweeter or keep the liqueur to add with lemonade ;)

Hope this gives you some ideas ;)

My rule is avoid essences at all costs and stick to natural ingredients ;)
Choice Bro
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