
Just starting out and need some advise? then post it in here.


Postby marbaker » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:41 am

hi there folks just a quick one for you,im trying to do some cuts on this next batch for the first time,all my washes are sugar wash i have a T500 still i produce 3 litres of 92-93% of acohol,SO if disgard my first 100ml of heads,then the heart comes next,so if i collect around 2litres,and put that in a jar and collect the other 1litre and use that as tails and re-use them on my next batch am i doing the right thing or sould i collect more heart,or can someone tell me roughly how much of each to collect,i run my still around 53-55c iv seen the one on the site where someone puts 100m in so many glasses and the next day smell them,i think i would struggle a bit with my smelling i have synus problems,so if you called help much appreciated,thanks marbaker
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Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:09 pm

Re: cuts

Postby maheel » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:47 pm

you should try the idea of making lots of smaller cuts, much better product can be taken out of smaller cuts if you do
i use the cuts to get my hearts for more selective drinks and the "not so hearts" go into my whiskey.

it depends on what you are looking for in the bottle, if your enjoying your stuff then no-matter but if you feel it needs improvement then maybe try it a few times and see?

my method
i use stubbies and collect in 200->300ml lots @ 93% (mostly about 250ml) from a +-22L wash (TPW for example @ 5kg of sugar)
i then sniff these the next day
i then water it down to 40% in XXXX etc tallies (that is each 250ml makes about 600ml of 40% in each tallie)
i would consider the 1st 100ml of 93% rubbish and dump it
the next bottle of 600ml 40% i normally consign to the "heads" bottle for still cleaning runs etc it is never added back to the next batch
the next might be good but needs sniffing and tasting and might be sent to "heads bottle 2" for rerunning
the following few i start to consider hearts but is based on sniffing and tasting at 40% normally goes into my "whiskey"
the real middle about bottle 6-7 makes really good netural i reckon and might be held for vodka style things
the next lot is normally sniffed and tasted and decions are made vodka or whiskey etc.
as i start to head to tails i either get sick of waiting and turn off or i strip off some fast and send it into the next run

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