RC Al wrote:Ok...
Go buy some good leads*, connect them to seperate circuits on the property, try to keep the distance as short as possible. Send household elsewhere, turn everything except the fridge off. (Large household and lack of decent power where i still has me using gas)
Check each element is still working.
You cant expect a still to keep running when you take half the power away.
Use the controller on the bottom element if your doing a one and done or a spirit run, you only need both for heat up and stripping runs
Slow down, take your time.
Might just be distance, but I dare say you have a massive shortage of power how you are set up.
*Preferably 1.5mm wire, but beggars can't be choosers. I grabbed a bunch of 15amp caravan leads from Aldi last time they had them, couldn't buy the cable cheaper even by the roll
The Stig wrote:Did you have both elements on the extension cord with a double adapter ?
And a melted cord will be causing a drop in power due to resistance so the
element isn’t getting full power
bluc wrote:2400w is absolute max for 10a circuit. Most leads (and even wall sockets)will not handle full power for extended times. +1 with al good quality leads are a must. The longer the lead thicker the inner core needs to be.
I use a 3600w element that is really 2x 1800w elements in one.
So i get 600w 1/4 of max wattage headroom and I also use 10a leads with 15a spec core. They barely get warm...
Stay safe :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Wellsy wrote:Power supply is often an issue, especially with the new earth leakage cutoffs and circuit breakers.
I had similar issues when I got my still, had both elements plugged into wall sockets in my brand new shed, and tripping the circuits constantly. I run one element from the shed and the other from a good quality lead from the house and no longer have that issue.
The problem is we just don’t know what we don’t know mate and until we get the gear in our own location we can’t be sure the pump will be powerful enough, or the reserve of water will stay cool enough. That we have enough cuts jars etc.
Hang in there akanomore we have all struggled with the initial stages of getting ourselves set up. In the end the product that you make will be well worth it. Grab a old blanket to insulate the boiler as every little bit helps.
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