All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

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All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby Teddysad » Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:20 pm

All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes
Where I am, wheat is plentiful and inexpensive. Sugar is not grown here and hence is imported and processed here. With the former now costing close to 1/3 that of the latter, it makes sense to go “natural” where I can.

For this I recommend a one-step unit such a RoboBrew or BrewZilla or Grainfather. An option is a large pot with a brew in a bag system. It requires the ability to monitor and hold temperature and to lift the bag to drain the grains.

I find that high temperature liquid enzymes are the best method.
5kg crushed and milled feed grade Wheat
High temperature liquid amylase enzyme (mine works best at 85 to 90C) and glucoamylase
PH adjustment (potassium bicarb is the best to raise with citric acid to lower.
Iodine for starch test (can be bought at pharmacy look for Betadine drops)
Yeast of choice BUT NOT TURBO
I put multiple mash runs into a 60 or 100l fermenter although you can use a single 30l fermenter for a single run – work with what you have.
In the boiler bring 20 litres of water to 90C. add 1 to 3 ml of liquid amylase ( depends on your particular brew) into the water. Insert the malt pipe (or bag) add the wheat slowly and stirring well to prevent dough balls forming. Check the pH and adjust to 5.5 to 6.0
The temperature will drop so let it and hold it at around 85 for at least 60 minutes, stirring frequently. The enzyme will prevent the wheat from turning into a solid porridge.
After 60 minutes allow the mix to slowly cool down keeping the stirring going.
A starch test with the iodine should show no starches are left and they have all been converted to sugars. At around the 60C mark adjust the pH to around 5.0 and add 3 ml of the second enzyme (gluco).
Keep stirring frequently and let sit for 30 minutes.
Now lift the malt pipe and allow the liquid to drain into the boiler.
This is your fermentable liquid with all the starches from the grains now in sugar form in the liquid.
If doing a single mash run. Rinse the wheat with 5 litres of hot water (called sparging)
Drain from the boiler, add to the fermenter, cool to under 30C and pitch your preferred yeast. I currently use the Angel Red Label. I also add a multivitamin tab or 2 along with a little nutrient - my preference is DAP.
If all has gone well your SG in the fermenter will be around 1.060 to 1.065 (If a little low feel free to add a little sugar to boost it)

Multiple runs
Now this is where the liftable malt pipe comes into its own.
To start the next run, fill the Robobrew with another 20l of water. However pour it in through the drained grains, still in the lifted malt pipe (or bag) . This, (called sparging) rinses the remaining sugars still sticking to the grains.
You are then starting the second and subsequent “cook” with already partly sweetened water
Once this new lot of water has drained , the grains (now spent) can be emptied. (I have local farmers who take them for stock feed)
The malt pipe is then lowered into the boiling chamber ready for the next lot of fresh wheat to be added. Bring water temperature up to 90C and repeat the exercise.
These runs can be added to the fermenter until you have enough to 80% fill the fermenter.
You can then (once temperature has cooled) add the yeast of your choice with vits and nutrient.
Allow to ferment dry (under 1.000)
Strip run - multiple runs if needed -
Then spirit run through your reflux still.

Note pH I have found pH adjustment is unnecessary especially with the Angel Red. This is very pH tolerant and fast fermenmting. With other yeasts (which may be slower) the oyster / sea/eggshell method of buffering the ferment may assist.
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby RC Al » Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:28 pm

Nice write up Teddy :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby iOnaBender » Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:34 pm

A big G’day to Teddysad,

Great write up! A newbie to AG here, wouldn’t you do this via “No Mash” yellow angel yeast? What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing it the traditional way versus YAY?

BTW TS, you saved me from parting with $1800-2000+ on AG mash tun and all the associated stuff to do traditional mashing with your YAYAG no mash thread!

Last edited by iOnaBender on Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby Teddysad » Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:40 am

While the yellow Label method is simple, requiring little extra gear, it is not as fast it involves a lot of straining at the end to get the product and a decent time to allow settling before distilling.
I find I can spend a day doing several “cooks” with this method, and have a nice result of 100l ready for distilling within 4 to 5 days.
It is all a matter of using what equipment one has available - in my case the old Robobrew.
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby Teddysad » Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:52 am

My now established method is to drain the liquid into another bucket once the initial run has been done, then once it cools to 60C add the second enzyme. That way the next boil can be commenced and done while that second stage is happening. The gluco-added liquid can be put into the big fermenter .

The glucoamylase for this does not have to be hi-temp. The standard powdered form is fine as it is added once the liquid hose cooled anyway, and continues to work in the fermenter to break down the sugar chains to glucose.
Last edited by Teddysad on Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby iOnaBender » Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:30 am

Thanks for clearing that up for me Teddy. Wht size Robobrew are you doing your mashing in?

I think I need to see first hand how traditional AG mashing is done, it would give me a lot better understanding of the process.

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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby Teddysad » Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:46 am

iOnaBender wrote:Wht size Robobrew are you doing your mashing in?

Just the standard 35l
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Re: All-grain Wheat vodka with Enzymes

Postby howard » Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:03 pm

i presume the wheat is un-malted?
funnily enough, i was reading some old docs yesterday during a loooonggggg spirit run. :smile:
one of them said that it's not preferable to cook grains outside of their gelitinization range.
i will paste it here, it's above my pay-grade 8-}
The reasons you do not cook grains beyond their proper gelatinization range is more about flavor than yield because if it is too rigorous, thermal decomposition of grain components will cause objectionable popcorn phenolic odors, yield is more impacted by poor grains, under cooking, poor conversion and yeast conditions. By using the infusion mashing process for small grains, you keep the branched chain amino acids and proteins in place with the grains that the yeast will use to properly make a flavorful result.
If you boil your small grains, you are creating unbranched chain amino acids, degrading proteins and frankly blowing apart the flavor you are trying to extract

he's a master distiller from Wilderness Trail Distillery.
i suppose 'normal' amylase enzymes could be used to keep the wheat in it's gel range?
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