all grain to ussm?

all about mashing and fermenting grains

all grain to ussm?

Postby crozdog » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:13 pm

hi guys,

i have a 50l ag corn / barley (7.5kg:5kg +3kg sugar) wash that has almost finished fermenting out. When i rack it off to the boiler instead of squeezing the bejesus out of it in a bit of old sheet to get the extra goodness out, do you reckon the following would work?

Drain off whatever I can to strip leaving the grain residue behind. Disolve some sugar in warm water & add into the fermenter with the grain & yeast trub.

Think I would need to add some more grain? or would the remains still have some flavour?

Asking as I haven't sourced any fish & chip shop frying baskets or similar to use to press the extra juice out & reckon I'll quickly end up with a fermenter full of spent grain if I make another AG batch & dump on top of what is left in the fermenter.

Any comments or suggestions re how much sugar / water / grain to add?

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Re: all grain to ussm?

Postby Kimbo » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:27 pm

Hey Croz,
what i do is use a sieve to take out the floating grains(coz they're spent) and i also replace about 2L of grains ( as per whiskey knock off recipe)
then i dump my sugar infused dunder back int the fermenter ;)
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Re: all grain to ussm?

Postby bradsgonetrekkin » Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:50 am

hi croz,
check out the knock off whiskey recipe for a bit more info. I use around 3.5kg of sugar per 22/23 litre ferment and probably scrape out around a third to half of the grains and replace with fresh each ferment. I normally add around 5 litres of water back into the fermenters to keep the yeasties happy while I strip the last wash in the still. After the stripping run I mix around 5 or so litres of backset from the still in a big ss pot with the sugar then add it back into the fermenter with more water topped up to 22/23 litre mark. Backset adds heaps of flavour to this style of wash.
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